
You should just power down while you still have "da chance"! lol chumpo! chimpo!

"I'm here for good! if i get blocked from this frontend, there’s always 100 others waiting in the wings to usher in ol' @coininstant!"


I told ya a long time ago dog, you making a big mistake coming after me with your thugs, gouls, ghosts, and gangsats'! Now you will be paying me for the rest of eternity! You fucked with the one wrong dude! The only one!

hahaha, sorry for the spam u say,
why u say dat? are steemit or something?
only going to get worse for ya! I assure you, you’ve made me invincible! don't you get it yet, stupid moron! they are starting to see they’re starting to open up their eyes and side with me now! whyhahahhjah!Why so glum chum??? #chasif!

wat is dat a threat!??? lol
now u mad, u made me???!
step off!