I am getting ready to head back to Japan and have been packing a ton of minerals to take with me. One of those minerals is Kyanite.
Kyanite is a beautiful, easy to identify mineral. The long, blue blades that kyanite produces can't be mistaken for any other mineral. It's really stunning in person and makes for awesome display specimens.
I picked this specimen up out in Quartzite last month for ridiculously cheap. Think about it now bums me out that iI have to wait another year to buy from that dealer again.
I still have a little bit of cleaning to do before we sell this piece. I need to clean off the yellowish mud carefully because sometimes the blades will come off with the mud.
A side note, when cleaning most of the time I only use soap and water. I have used acids and harsher chemicals on other crystals, but that usually requires a lot of time and care, so these days if it doesn't clean up with soap, waters toothbrush and pick, then it isn't getting cleaned up by me.
Another nice thing about kyanite is specimens are readily available and fairly cheap. Despite that, they are still a prized mineral for every collection.
Thanks for reading!
If you love rocks, gems and minerals check these out!
#rockhound by @bitfiend
#bouldersunday by @shasta
#mineralmondays by @rt395
#fridaysrock by @nat-expressions
- Follow me for stories on Japan, Gems & Minerals, Crypto, DnB, Cali & living life!
- Follow my wonderful wife for her adventures! @tokyowomanslife
If you love gems and minerals you can visit our shops: US - https://www.etsy.com/shop/Rt395Minerals Japan - https://www.rt395mineralsjp.com
Howdy there rt395! wow, that is super cool! First time I've seen that mineral and I can see why it's so sought after. Great job on the photos too, well done!
Hey @janton, while it may not be one of the better known minerals it is fairly common and cheap. You can find them at many rock shops and all gem & mineral shows. I'll do a full post on kyanite in the coming weeks. Just wanted to share that specimen.
Howdy today rt395! thanks for that information, I will look for those great minerals!
That one is a beauty!
Thanks. I have a much better piece in Japan. Thick, gemmy crystals, but ya this one is nice too.
That is a beauty! Such a lovely color!
Melinda, when they are gemmy clear they are amazing. I have one at my place in Tokyo I will take pictures of and do a Mineral Mondays post about. Amazing blue.
I would love to see it!
love this rock...
resteeming and following .. plan to post some about rocks.. and to check out the hashtags you mentioned.
Thank you @rebeccabe. Followed back. Please do post about your rocks. There are a bunch of us doing the same, trying to build up a loose knit community of rock/gem lovers. Do check out the others as everyone posts different types!
Oh I love that idea... yay! I will let yu know when I do
Always appreciate when I can enjoy and learn together!
These are beautiful. Rocks, minerals and stones are not subjects I am overly familiar with at all. Will try to stop in on Fridays to learn and see more.
Thnanks @nan-nini. Careful, it's a seductive world. Once you get hooked it's for life, but incredibly rewarding. Rockhounding helps you get out in nature and learn about geology, a twofer.
We have a to of rocks here in the yard. Left by previoys owners. We use them everywhete we can for decorative accents. And shells!
When , if, the snow melts I'll send some pics, see if you recognize them.
Beautiful blue kyanite!
I have never seen a big green chunk before, still prefer deep blue kyanite.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Yes, the blue is much nicer. Thanks!
I looked into cleaning up rocks and it is quite the process once acid and other chemicals get involved. This quickly deterred me from wanting to do it, lol. I tumble what I can, when I can.
Ya, it really depends on what you are cleaning. I etch benitoite because it is worth it. Like opening a Christmas present in slow motion. It's also an art form because you have to control what to reveal and how much. I don't do the last step though which involved ammonium bifluoride which if inhaled will kill you. Nasty stuff, but it makes the specimens shine.
So many rocks, so little time!
Yeah I did some minor research when I considered shining my rocks. It's something I would need a proper outside-area with plenty of ventilation and just won't work with my current living situation.
It's my first time to see that kind of mineral...It's Elegant!
Come back every Monday or Friday because I have a LOT more to show! Thanks!