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RE: At the football

in #friend4 years ago

Yeah anything over 2 hours can seem like a lot sometimes. I prefer if something is nearby. I don't often travel far for sport but at holidays like thanksgiving we drive longer trips to see family.

I don't like to go far in the car. My cousin did a road trip over a week one summer and it was maybe around 7 hours of driving every day for a full week to go from washington state across to the west coast. it sounds cool but also a lot of driving haha


No no we in Italy if we drive for a week we do all of Italy 7 times from above to below AHAHA.

Haha yeah the distance is much shorter in Italy but even still 1 journey in the car from above to below would feel like a long drive


Yes yes I to make Potenza Milan it would take me 9 hours if I never stop so I think at least 10 hours then I want to return another 10 in short, even in Italy the trips are so short but nobody beats you Americans AHAH !WINE !BEER !LUV 1 !PIZZA !ENGAGE 1 !bbh

@zottone444, sorry!

You can call the PIZZA bot a maximum of 10 times per day.

Yeah but still 9 hours in a car is too much haha.

Thanks :)

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

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