I don't know Brisby but I'm more than willing to take your recommendation on her.
I DO know that I love the dress and the process that it took to get from a flower test to a finished portrait. I really like it.
I'm wondering if Sam will chase a purple squirrel. I'm guessing he will, he's not shown me a bit of bigotry :)
I've had the pleasure of chatting with you a bit in the Alliance castle. 😁 (For now, my name is 'elf-chuckles').
Having a round of chase with Sam would be fun. Most dogs like playing with purple squirrels because we know where all the best snacks are hidden. 😆
I am so happy you loved the process too!!
It was hard to remember to take photos. I need to rearrange my desk so I can film while I draw. It would make my life so much easier.
and Yes! Brisby is one of a kind!! and we Hodl her. :D