Friendship Day 2018: 5 perfect gift ideas for your BFF on this FRIENDSHIP DAY.

in #friendship7 years ago

We cannot choose our family but we can definitely choose our friends which are very special and dear to us. For such a special friends we always want to give some special gifts. So here are some ideas for you.

A Book

If your friend is a booklover, the best gift would definitely be an international bestseller or a special edition hardcover. Tag along a creative bookmark to make it extra special.

Mobile Recharge

If your friend is not staying with you then you can recharge his/her mobile phone so that he/she can always remain in touch with you on social media platform.

A Passport Holder

Whether you plan a customised one or a passport holder is a great gift. This acts as a reminder too that you both have to take the next trip together!

World Map Decal/ Wall Sticker

If you have a friend who loves to travel, a world map wall sticker or a decal will be a great idea. Tag along few dot stickers that will help your friend to identify the places he/she has been to and demarcate them from the places he/she has not been to.

A Gym Bag

The awareness about fitness is increasing day by day and spreading also so a gym bags is a perfect gift for your friend if you want to encourage a healthy lifestyle of him/her.