King of Fruit- Tastes like Heaven, Smell like Hell!

in #fruit8 years ago (edited)

Durian my love

Meet Durian, SouthEast Asia lovely and smelly fruit. It is smelly to a lot of people (Not to me!). Due to it odor, it is banned in public transport, airlines, hotel and many public places.

^^I am not bluffing you. See

My nose is used to it though! I can eat it with a breeze. All sorts of dish was made using Durian at my home country. My favourite is 'Durian Ice Cream' ! . Oh dear, the creamy taste of Durian just mesmerising.

I can stand the smell. Can you? or have you?

How does it smell like?

I heard people comparing it to sewerage -Dude, that is rude. Also a bag of rotten onions---that is way better. In youtube, a girl said it smell like dead people. LOL

How does it taste like?

Google helped me with this.

Durian is a strange combination of savory, sweet, and creamy all at once. A durian is supposed to have subtle hints of chives mixed with powdered sugar. It's supposed to taste like diced garlic and caramel poured into whipped cream

Nahhhh...for me, it was nothing like any other food/fruit. It was fruit from heaven.

Where it got the name?

Malay (an ethnicity from Malaysia), called it Durian as in 'Duri' means a 'thorn'.

Funny Videos

I have been guilty of laughing watching video of western people eating Durian for the first time. I have to admit, it was funny as hell.

look at his face!!

Whenever you go to Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei or Indonesia, get a Durian fix. trust me, you are an awesome person if you try . (don't puke)

Until then,



Yay durian! I love eating it when I get the chance. Everyone should try it at least once.

Papaya, durian.... yes yes

Durian is delicious. I bought some last week. I like onions, too.

You are right! it is delicious . yum yummmmm

Thailand has too, it' s call king of fruit. It's hot fruit (make your body hot) you will need to eat queen fruit (mango steem)to keep your body cool off or balance off.

Just get some ice water if you cant find any mango :)