
in #fruit7 years ago

Carrots are biennial plants (12 - 24 month life cycles) that store large amounts of carbohydrates for these flowering plants in the second year. Flower stems grow about 1 m tall, with white flowers, and a sweet flavor. The edible part of the carrot is the bulb or root part.

SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION Kingdom: PlantaeDivision: Magnoliophyta Class: MagnoliopsidaOrdo: ApialesFamili: ApiaceaeGenus: DaucusSpecies: D. carotaNAME BINOMIAL Daucus carota
Vitamin A 12000 SI
Calories 42 calories
1.2 gram protein
0.3 grams of fat
9.3 gram Charcoal Hydrate
Calcium 39 milligrams
Phosphorus 37 milligrams
0.8 milligrams of iron
Vitamin B1 0.06 milligramsVitamin C 6 milligrams.


Carrot Nutrition

According to the American agriculture department, one medium-sized carrot or ½ cup of chopped carrots can be considered as a serving. One serving of carrots has 25 calories, 6 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of sugar and 1 gram of protein.

Carrots are rich in vitamin A

Carrots are the foods richest in vitamin A, providing about 210% of adult needs per day. Carrots also contain 6% of vitamin C requirement, 2% of calcium requirement and 2% of iron requirement per portion.


These vegetables contain beta-carotene antioxidants that make carrots have a bright orange color. Beta-carotene is absorbed in the intestine and converted into vitamin A during the digestive process.

Vitamins and Minerals

Carrots are very super vegetables, they also contain fiber, vitamin K, potassium, folate, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin E and zinc are needed by the human body.

In addition to high nutrients, carrots are also a reliable source of health