Start Now Do not Throw Avocado Seeds, You Need to Know the Benefits

in #fruit7 years ago

Start Now Do not Throw Avocado Seeds, You Need to Know the Benefits
Sometimes we often throw away what we think rubbish, but behind the word 'junk' there is a myriad of benefits we do not know

How are you, friend?
Avocado is a fruit that is flexible enough to be processed, bia mixed with other ingredients, can be made ju, can be eaten with milk or sugar and even eaten directly did not reduce the enjoyment of this tender fruit flavor. Do you know friends, most people only consume the flesh only when the seeds are rich in benefits, especially for health because avocado seeds contain anti-oxidants, fiber and phenolic much higher than the fruit. According to the site (12/12/2017) there are many benefits of avocado seeds, including:
Prevent cancer
avocado seeds are believed to prevent cancer because it contains anti-oxidants and flavonoid substances such as querecetin, kaempferol and mycerin.
Lowering cholesterol
For friends who have problems with high levels of cholesterol in the body, avocado seeds can be an alternative medicine recommendations because the seeds lapukat contains monosaturated fat that helps lower cholesterol levels, especially bad cholesterol in the body.
Lose weight
Well friends, this is good news for those who are following the diet program because avocado seeds also produce fiber in good quantities, so you do not have to fear fat accumulate in the body. Avocado seeds also keep appetite so that we are not constantly to eat and good again avocado seeds contain anti-oxidant, potassium, calcium and magnesium as a substitute for energy-producing substances for our bodies.
Improving the immune system
By consuming avocado seeds regularly our immune system or immune system will increase so that we are not susceptible to disease and keep the body from free radicals.
Avocado seeds can be used as a scrub
Good news again friends, it turns avocado seeds can be used as a scrub for its ability to remove dead skin cells that make skin smoothly groomed.
May be useful!
This article is written by Lilis Khoerunnisa you can also write your work in vebma, read millions of visitors, and can generate million rupiah each month


You are not far from the truth...lovely masterpiece. Nice write up