Manfaat Buah Manggis Bagi Ibu Hamil dan Ibu Hamil, Apakah Aman Mengkonsumsi Saat Hamil?

in #fruit7 years ago

Hai teman steemit saya akan menjelaskan sejenis buah yang memiliki manfaat sangat baik untuk kesehatan seseorang untuk kandungan wanita hamil ya : Manggis!

*Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit For Pregnant and Fetal Mothers, Is it Safe to Consume When Pregnant?*



Benefits of Mangosteen For Pregnant Women - Every expectant mother wants a normal and healthy pregnancy. During this pregnancy, pregnant women are also advised to be careful of food consumed. Make sure all foods are safe and have health benefits.

Read also: Nutrition of Pregnant Women: Food and Pregnant Mom Pregnant

Nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables and other nutritious foods are indispensable for fetal growth as well as the health of pregnant women. Therefore, on this occasion, the World of Health will discuss about whether or not it is safe to eat mangosteen during pregnancy and what are the benefits of the mangosteen fruit for pregnant women and the fetus it contains.



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Sangat luar biasa tu

Terimakasih kawan

Post yang bagus

Nice Fruit

Terima kasih atas komentar semuanya

Saya juga mau lah dikasih buah manggis. Lama tak makan..

Boleh, datanglah ke kebun saya

Susuh baca kawan kami blm bisa b inggris
Salam kenal by @maulidin-alasyi

Terimakasih telah membagikan pengetahuan yang sangat bermamfaat.

Mantap syafii udah banyak kemajuan hihi