Hi everyone!
For the last year I’ve been really fascinated by health. This because I haven’t been that healthy my whole life before. I searched down the whole web to research healthy food and to make it clear for myself what the human body needs, and where we can find which vitamins, minerals and other building blocks for a perfectly healthy body.
This blog will be a collection of all the vitamins and minerals that we use, an explanation of what it is useful for in our body, where you can naturally find it and what the symptoms are if you have a lack of it.
I’m not fully against supplements. Sometimes it is hard to get all of your vitamins and minerals in the food you eat on a daily base. But preferably I use products out of nature that I will tell you where to find it in, all in one single Steemit blog page.
I hope you’ll enjoy!
Greetings Vitaminoza info page
Thanks for sharing @vitaminoza
No problem Sid! thanks for upvoting, I appreciate it. Tonight will be my second post about Vitamin A, Hope you'll like it