Day 5 Fruitarian Failed...

in #fruitarian7 years ago (edited)

I failed today. Around noon, I was feeling hot flashes and dizziness. My lunch I had a bunch of apple and pineapple. Then I was lying in bed and took a nap. I woke up and still feeling hungry. I then remembered last time I was doing my cold exposure challenge, things gone wrong and I become sick in bed for 3 days. I want to avoid that. It's nice I'm taking action and learning about fruitarian but I shouldn't be getting sick.

Yesterday, I also did a pushup strength test. Normally, I can do around 40 pushups but on the 4th day. I could only do 30. Most likely, I wasn't getting enough calorie, so my muscles were feeling weak. Also this morning, I didn't have my breakfast so that could be a reason too. With fruitarian, even I felt like eating a lot because it is low calorie density, it's difficult to eat enough calorie. After 5 days of calorie deficit, I began to feel weak.

Around dinner time I decided to eat. I want to be safe than sorry. I had learned a lot of advantages of eating a fruitarian diet in last 5 days already. And I almost reaching my 7 days objective. If I to do it again, I should be able to reach 7 days.

First of all, fruitarian diet are full of fiber and calorie density are all low. So to eat enough calorie to maintain basic, I need to eat a lot and often. I was used to eating once a day, so my eating frequency and eating quantity were too low.

What are the benefits of fruitarian deit? I think for raising our compassion is awsesome because with fruitarian philosophy, no animal or plants are hurt. So that could raise our consciousness level and compassion level to the highest degree possible.

Another benefit is I had to eat many different kinds of fruits, and all these different fruits can help building a very strong and healthy gut bacteria. Gut bacteria are extremely important for healthy immune function, digestions, brain functions. Our gut is like our 2nd brain. That's how we like to think it is but evoluionary. Our gut is really our first brain.

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I watched some more lecture on our microbiome, how important it is, it's really fascinating. There is one study of testing the number of speice in our gut before and after 10 days of eating McDonald junk food. Resulting over 2,000 speices of gut bacteria being kill or starve to death by junk food. We really want to make sure we eat a lot of natural colorful plant-based whole food.

Fruitarian challenge is ideal for cleansing and building our gut bacteria.
Fasting challenge may not be ideal for building our gut bacteria.

The best moment is I figure out the mixture of different fruits and nuts to create a very delicious combo taste.

Paleo people playing with intermittent fasting to achieve weight loss. Vegan people playing with fruit fasting to achieve weight loss.

I can make a new routin combining all different stratagies. Perhaps, starting with Monday and Tuesday as fruitarian days, Wedsday and Thursday for 48 hours dry fast, Friday for eating 1 meal and Saturday and Sunday for feastings. I'm becoming a master of fasting stratagies.


It's not always easy to get enough calories at the beginning, I recommend eating lots of avocadoes, bananas on their own or in a smoothie to get some easy calories in, I enojoyed reading about your challenge, take care!

Very good tips. You are now the supreme commander for fruitarian troops around the world! Let's keep on rocking the world. warrior.gif

Hahahaha, this is so funny

Thank you for sharing your experience! In my opinion, having success as a fruitarian isn't about calories at all. Raw living foods, specifically fruits-are the highest vibrational, energetic, life-giving food on the planet. Fruit is electric, containing natural distilled water, the perfect balance of simple sugars, vitamins and fiber ready to be assimilated by the body along with other nutrients. Fruit is the perfect food for the human species. It is in fact our species' specific food! When food is living and energetic there is no need to worry about minerals, calories or deficiencies. Nature is perfect. Just simply listen to your body-eat when you are hungry and stop when you are satisfied.

Feeling weak and or ill eating an all fruit diet is quite normal when transitioning to or simply continuing on a fruitarian diet as fruits are extremely astringent (akaline); pulling acids, mucus and cellular wastes from the body for elimination. Becoming a fruitarian is definitely something to take your time transitioning into. Even those with months of eating this way get detox symptoms like the ones you described. After all, sickness is simply the body's way of purging bacteria and toxins from the body, and most of us have had years of incorrect, unhealthy eating before coming to fruitarianism. We are not going to become healthy and clean in a few days. More like a few years! I don't know what your previous diet was, but if you were eating any cooked foods and living in normal society-chances are you are filled with toxins from food and environmental toxins, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, etc. I am still new to this way of life myself and the more I delve into nature's perfect laws and align with truth-the more I am cultivating a deep and synonymous relationship with my body and spirit. It's a beautiful journey and I am so grateful to have returned to this ancient knowlege and innate wisdom. The fruits will do that! :)

Take it easy and take time to transition, so as not to fall off too hard-returning to unhealthy, cooked foods out of desperation as a result of feeling terrible or discouraged by heavy detox symptoms. A good rule of thumb for transitioning is to eat your first 2 meals all fruit, then have your last meal be cooked vegetables of some sort without any acidic/mucus forming foods (grains, beans, oil, salt). This will help ease you into fruitarianism without too great a detox to begin with, making it much easier to fully transition more smoothly and sustainably.

I am new to Steem and happy to be find some great accounts like yours to follow! I appreciate each person's journey back to natural wellness and am eager to follow along and learn/grow more. I havent made a blog post yet but I plan to soon, if you're interested-give me a follow :) Much love on your journey<3

Actually, it is the calorie. I am already vegan and eat very clean. I have fruits every single day and I eat fruits before any cook food.

It's the first time I went everything fruits. I felt like I eat a lot but the fruits are mostly water. I feel full but the calorie still very low. Usually, with rice, noodle or bread, I would feel so full for many hours if I eat that much. But with fruitarian, I can eat all day long and just reach my basic maintenance calorie.

Also, in the beginning, I didn't know how to make it tasty and creating combo taste by mixing different kinds of fruits and nuts. And because it's so satisfying, I can eat more. If I eat just mango, after 2nd one it's difficult to go to 3rd one.

Like @fruitarianism said, I need to include more high-calorie density in the beginning like banana, avocado, coconut meat...etc. That is very true. Those kinds of food, you won't feel hungry quickly.

Instead of raw to cook debate, I now focus more on getting all 5 color of phytonutrients. See my latest blog here.

There are reasons why we develop color visions where cats and dogs can't see what we see. All these colors are mother nature telling us, those are food that are healthy for our development. Some of these food need cook, some can eat raw. Some legummes, grains and vegetable can have really tough fiber, cooking can help us get into those nutrients.

Some cooking can help us getting more phytonutrients into our system and reduce our total monthly cost.

100% raw can be very good but would cost a lot of money to maintain for long-term. Especially for people in Canada. All the fruits are imported and very expensive.

Now, I'm 4 days raw and 3 days include cook food. I can get benefits from both stratagies and keep my cost low.

Seems like you didn't eat enough and suffered from withdrawal symptoms. In case you ever want to give it another try: