The Wood Apple is native to Bangladesh and other parts of southern Asia but, would find other parts of the world.
The tree could grow up to 30 feet but it grows slow. Ripped fruits could be upto 9cm in diameter and has brownish pulp with small seeds inside but the shell is tough.
Benefits of Wood Apple
There are several benefits of Wood Apple you can't imagine. A single fruits could do a lot for a human health such as:
- It helps to relief constipation
- Ease the piles problem
- Helps to reduce eptic ulcer problem
- It is the cure diabetes
- Increases milk production for nursing mothers
- It helps prevent sexual dysfunctions
- It boosts energy, good for liver, kidneys and so on.
You could made Jam, Ice Cream but healthy beverage is the raw pulp mixing with chill water and a bit surge.
Good post and informative.Good photography as well.
Thanks a lot!