(Japanese follows / 日本語は下に)
This is my entry to Fruits and Veggies Monday, created by @lenasveganliving and hosted by @plantstoplanks. Thanks to all for realizing this great Monday Vegan gathering on Steemit.
she bought Okra at her local farmers market. I wish I had some local producers around. I've bought Okras at a Turkish grocery store but it was too hard ... So time to grow Okra by myself.This time it's about Okra, one of my favorite summer veggies. Few months ago @plantstoplanks wrote that
I just had one so far but it was the first time I could harvest Okra successfully. Okra is originally from West Africa and South Asia. It needs heat and a lot of sunshine. I wonder it could make a fruit because of global warming ... if so I feel difficult.
The Okra tasted exactly I expected. Sticky slimy greeny. It come on top of my veg bowl for lunch.
It was my Fruits & Veggies Monday :) I'll write about Bitter Melon, another veg I cannot miss but I couldn't find ideal one in Germany. I grow by myself too and I had already harvested some fruits also for the first time in Germany.
@lenasveganlivingさんがはじめて、@plantstoplanksさんがホストしている月曜日のビーガンコミュニティーFruits and Veggies Mondayへの投稿です。
年々暑くなっていて気候変動の影響を感じます。なげいてばかりいても仕方ないので、適度にエコに生活しつつ、暑さを利用して日本でなじんだ野菜を作ろうと思います :)
Yay! So glad you got one so far! Hopefully you'll get some more soon to enjoy. I've bought some more on a few occasions and decided I really like them grilled. Coincidentally, the same farmers who had the okra also have some bitter melon growing for the first time as an experiment! I've never tried it, but they said they would bring me some next week. Love exploring new things!
Do bitter melons become popular? I read about them on an English article saying it's good for longevity. I was surprised to find their seeds are sold at a German seed shop. You should definitely try. I think bitter melon's bitterness is easier than Okra's stickiness ;)
I will try the bread crumble coated Okra you showed in your post ........ if I have successfully harvest more.
They are definitely not popular here yet, but my farmers are awesome about trying all kinds of different things! In some ways it's a lot of fun because I get to try some things that I've only ever read about. In other ways it's a bit scary as some of the reasons why they are trying out different things is because of climate change. I do applaud these guys, though, for doing the best they can to produce on every bit of land they have in all kinds of ingenious ways!
Excellent! Glad you could grow something you missed. I just planted a heap of okra seeds in my greenhouse, so hopefully I'll be able to plant them come Spring and make some yum meals out of them - I do like an okra curry!
Good luck for your Okras. I like Okra curry too :) I would like to try fried Okra with crust.
djynnさんカナダで買えるんですね!!羨ましい。トルコショップで何度か見かけて買ったものの、かたくて😭 オクラの実り方おもしろいですよね。コールラビや芽キャベツもおもしろい形ですよ〜😁
ちゃんとレディフィンガーで美味しそ〜( ̄▽ ̄)
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私も大好きなんです。大好きなのに買えないので自分で育てることにしました 😋
Such a beautiful okra straight from the garden! Pure delight! Congratulations my Friend, I hope more is on the way 🌿😊🌿
It's just a single Okra but I was seeing it for a while. I wish some more come soon from the garden :)
So fresh looking.... I know that it helps cjure diabetes I just read somewhere that to just soak it in water overnight and drink in an empty stomach could reduce high blood sugar as well as High blood pressure.
I heard it benefits our health but I didn't know the water works also. I must try it :)
Wow, I'm happy to receive three prizes :) Thank you for hosting the great weekly vegan meet up, @lenasveganliving!