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RE: Fruits and Veggies Monday - Pomegranates in their Red Glory

I love pomegranate. You are so fortunate to have them growing in your yard. I just checked on your other post where you showed them growing on the tree and I just about puked when I saw the worms. GROSS!!!

Have you ever tried opening your pomegranate in a large bowl of water? It makes all the pulp and bad seeds rise to the top and the good stuff goes to the bottom of the bowl and you don't get a messy mess in your kitchen or on your hands. You just cut the fruit in half on a board - you get a bit of juice - and then put it in the bowl of water and open the fruit under water. Simple. :)


What a good tip!! I will try it next year. All of mine are processed now.

In the past, I used a juicer but didn't feel like pulling it out.

Oh, that last picture weren't worms. Just leftover kernels from the fruit :) Kind of looks like worms though.

The worms were in the picture from your post a week ago....I looked at that least I think they were worms......balugalug.....ew ew ew.

Also, I enjoy the seeds from the fruit...nutty and good. I read some spit them out. Then I wondered if I was supposed to eat the or not.

Juicers are a pain to clean, I don't blame you.

Hmm. Wrote you a reply and it never posted. Hmmm. Come on Steemit!!!

No worms in the picture. Just gnawed up hollowed out pomegranate. Sorry you got yuked out :( was yuck. I revisited it and you said it was due to the work of rats!!

Some of my replies disappear too only to reappear later.

Hmm. Wrote you a reply and it never posted. Hmmm. Come on Steemit!!!

No worms in the picture. Just gnawed up hollowed out pomegranate. Sorry you got yuked out :(