Wow, this post is just filled with beautiful veggies, tasty recipes and inspiring ideas! The pumpkin seed milk is especially intriguing, how is the taste?
I do have to make some sauerkraut myself soon, juggling with this idea for a while now, I think you gave me the needed push to start the massaging action soon. 😁
Aren't Mondays the best? The milk is definitely not as sweet as cashew or almond milk, but I kind of like that it is almost a little more savory. You could probably add a date or two if you wanted a sweeter version, but I like that I can use it in either application. It's a great nut-free option!
I am so happy I finally made the sauerkraut. I mean my boyfriend is Polish, so it's kind of a necessary skill for me to pick up. 😋
Oh yes, although Monday's were kind of painful in the past in my office jobs, I now can embrace any day of the week and a new start is always something I enjoy!
That sounds pretty good, I am not a big fan of sweet milk, so I think I would make great use of it in some of my dishes. So true, sauerkraut then seems to be a fundamental skill in your set. 😄