The pico de gallo is a very simple sauce originally from Mexico, very easy to prepare because it does not need cooking, the ingredients of this sauce are tomatoes, onion, cilantro, garlic, lemon, chile, salt and pepper.

Today I'm going to present my way of doing it, the ingredients I used were:
1 onion
1 tomato
For the dressing use salt and lemon.

Take the vegetables, wash them by cutting them into small squares and the parsley very small.

Place all the ingredients in a cup and garnish with lemon and salt joining everything very well.

I told friends how they see is a recipe that is very easy to prepare without using many techniques, besides it will get us out of trouble when having guests since it is divine with salty cookies, I prepared it because I wanted to have something fresh besides this sauce was very good companion arepitas.

These pictures were taken by my camera on my HTC Desire 610 phone.
Bon appetit wishes you @ urrietareny2018
I love pico de gallo I just didn't know that was the name. I also like to eat it with avocado. Soooooo delicious 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇

Good thing you like ma'am, well that's what it's called, happy to present it to you, with the avocado it's very delicious here, it's more used with guacamole.
Thank you very much for the support and the vote.
Oh yes, with guacamole and beans! You are very welcome my Friend 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇
Great! I have so much fresh coriander leftover. That's the best idea to use this up ... Fantastic! You are the best!
Good thing if it is the best way to use it we are at your service, thanks for the visit.
Thank you! I've done it already and it is sitting in th fridge waiting for dinner ... going to make some vegan tortilla wraps with it ... 😋
Bon Appetite. Enjoy it.
Thank you! It was so delicious. I think I will make an extra post about it soon. Thank you again for your inspiration!