Proposed article topic: Smart City
Proposed article headline: Dubai launches first local UN city data hub
What: Dubai and its new open-data sharing network
How: Sustainable development goals by 2020.
Why it matters: Investment, economic growth.
Conclusion: Paraphrase or quotate statement included in the sources searched for the article.
Original sources (e.g. article first spotted, company press release, scientific paper, research, origin of article idea, etc.)
Article first spotted:
Company Press Release: Smart Cities World; 11,11,2019
Prior information, sources (i.e. what is already out there on the topic)
Methodology (e.g. calling company X for opinion, interviewing expert Y, desktop research, prior original research, etc.)
Willing to call companies, e-mail researches with further inquiries if needed.
Qualification statement (why did you decide to write on this topic?)
Because Dubai continues to capitalize on advanced technologies providing accurate data for studies. I like the quote ““There is always a direct relationship between data and sustainable smart cities.”
Volume (anticipated number of words for your article) 200-250 words
Budget: (in USD, ETH, STEEM or TECH)
231 TECH
Timeline (when do you anticipate to have your first draft ready)
11/11/2019; 10 pm (Eastern Time, USA)
Interesting topic. Maybe keep it in mind for future articles to develop further with specific examples, videos and investment amounts.