I introduced both @Fyrstikken and @Ausbitbank to Steemit, Fyrstikken has made 1 million dollars and Ausbitbank has made 100,000 dollars and gained 1 million in delegated power.. Fyrstikken full power flags me and my girlfriend and now Ausbitbank started flagging me too.. Oh what a wonderful world.
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I flagged you for the first time when you tried to drag my partner into your bullshit pity party. I'm not autoflagging you, take a fucking hint and leave me and her alone.
Your constant spamming in every channel (that hasn't banned you yet) is not helping anything, and you're delusional if you think your'e "draining the flag bots". Just your rep. Stahp
You're fucking pathetic @noganoo. Keep pulling that victim card, nobody sees your bullshit posts anyways and that will ALWAYS be the case. Muahahahaha
To @krystle:
Can we talk please about why @ausbitbank is flagging @noganoo?
No. She wants nothing to do with any of this, we've both given your "boyfriend" plenty of chances but unfortunately he has some severe mental and emotional issues and has destroyed all trust. Don't let him drag you down.
OK. Since she doesn't want nothing to do with any of this, I don't want nothing to do any of this too. So please stop flagging me or downvote me anymore. I don't want let you guys drag me down either.
I have never flagged you once, and have supported a lot of your content. But sure I can leave you alone if you insist.
Thank you for your support. I just really don't want nothing to do with all the dramas here. I just want normal communication.
So your saying you're going to continue to harass my partner (who has literally never spoken to you or interacted with you in any way, ever) until a 3rd party stops flagging you ?
Every time you spam her or my posts I will flag your spam. I don't know how I can make this simpler for you
That's what pieces of shit like @noganoo do. @ausbitbank, let me know if it continues and I will put @krystle on my upvote bot.
@noganoo, it's time for you to move on. It's better for your mental health, and the good lord knows you're a whack job, if you're not on Steemit.
I have never spoken to you or interact with you but YOU still downvote me @berniesanders. Please stop harassing me.
lol bernie, you dont seem to be the most integer kind, either.
how about you clamp down a bit, yourself. i'm no expert, but flagging is ment for spam and abuse, not for "i hate this guy, he has mental problems, and i'm gonna flag his girlfriend, that i dont even know, too. muhahaha"