Congrats dude. I've been trying to quit. I've failed, I won't lie. I'm still working on it though. Each time gets a little bit easier for me..
as long as people would just stop being assholes every time I quit the goddamn things!
I like the little nicotine spray device. It got me through the some rough patches...
Like when people are being assholes and I'm trying to quit!
Good job dude. Keep it up!
Don't try, just get er done!
Admittedly I failed a dozen or more times to stop. It takes a conscious choice and no effort really.
You either accept smoking and make it a part of your day to day... Or you decide you love yourself and don't want to stink like a slutty ashtray.. I believe in you man.
Yeah. It's a simple choice. I made this awhile back when I announced my quitting on my blog. I actually lasted a long time.
I hate these bloody things.