I just want all this in-fighting to end.
Don't give a damn about flat earth or any fringe view. I care about Steem. But I do support the uninhibited expression of the associated worldviews.
This is provided the users take the time to carefully express said views in a way that is NOT spam.
For the record, I messaged FTG about spam via Proboards a while back. I recommended declining rewards on it so we can all move on from this mess.
I care about FTG and company and hope this is resolved sooner than later. I also have considered you an ally in addressing the pressing issue of abuse on this platform but now yall are so fixated on each other.
The longer this carries on, the more this platform looks like a bag of ass because y'all are flagging each other instead of assholes posts like this:
Does their rshares being so high affect the value of our votes?
I would think yes, because our vote's percentage of the total rshares voted is smaller.
They are just keeping the poor people poor.
That is one of the things about HF20 that pissed me off. Smaller accounts rshares were reduced by some sort of curve.
Here is a video that I believe sheds light on how the crooks keep us down but veil the meaning in bullshit speak.
I've discovered that it's just easier for me to tell the truth.
Even when that reveals a mistake.
I may not be popular, but at least I'm honest.
I appreciate that about you, @freebornangel.
Too many lying sacks of shit out there doing whatever they can for popularity and power.
Forget that noise. They'll all have a price to pay in the end.
It appears we are separating the goats from the lambs.
I wasn't always this way, the skool of hard knocks explained it pretty clearly, though.
Im between "dont care" and "aint this fucking stupid and hilarious"... With the market being in the shitter and the payouts low, even the minnows arent impressed by the waste of voting power.
When STEEM was 7$, Bernie dropping a, what was it then, $200? flag, minnows were like:
haha. This is basically fun for the masses.
But i like your comment. I made one similar to it a month ago when there was another feud brewing and i got a nice Blocktrades vote. 30 STEEM i think.
Said something about being friends and holding hands..Some stupid feel-good crap. It worked.
Was proud, earned me-self what amounts to 2 packs of toilet paper worth.
Ain't gonna be ending any time soon. As of earlier today, all of his votes are 100% worthless and being negated.
Today is a good day.
Would you consider doing us a solid and flagging that copy/paste abuse post if you have some spare VP?
It would be a good exhibition of how much more power you have if you could zero out that $20 abuse post while fighting FTG.
Just saying.