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RE: #winning

FTG has defended me and many others in @informationwar for a while now against the toilet bowl that is drumf. And other Bernie bots. The only thing I credit Bernie with is not feeling bad upvoting yourself. Other than that he doesnt discuss anything but just spams and somehow convinces others he is better than everyone.

Posted using Partiko Android


I don't need to "convince" anyone, they just know.

Yeah, we know...
DickFace4 2019-02-17 16-11-17.png
Source material: @berniesanders

Hey, everyone's been asking him to get a new profile pic, I think this is the one! It's. Just. So. Him.

Well he can buy it, price: remove all flags!

Oh wait, I forgot to add his Beer dispenser, ya know, the red baggy thingamajing with the hose attached.

It can be an evolving project, there are many holes yet to fill.

His Ears? Nah, got that bit covered for the next image. It's ready for uploading :)

@garudi is a whack job cunt who has spent a few too many days off her meds. @garudi it's time to take a trip back to the hospital where you belong, they'll take good care of you there and make sure you don't harm yourself. Crazy cunt needs some meds!!!