@thoughts-in-time When did caladium put out quality content? He's just been posting nazi shit for months. I don't use that term easily either, I don't mean he's alt right, he's flat out racist
FTG has been upvoting worthless garbage for a while, I only became aware all those fulltime bots were his today, before that i wondered why retarded anti vax posts were getting rewarded by an army of full time bots. Now I know.
A few months ago kooks would come here post some conspiracy shit, make zero cents, and leave. Now they get heavily rewarded. Maybe you want steemit to be pizzagate central, a refuge for antivax nuts, I don't want to see that.
Why is it my job to tag him? He should know what his bots are upvoting, that's his responsibility.
Free Speech heard of that stuff?
Anyone can come here and buy more steem than you and make you invisible, you are a stupid cunt if you think this some free speech haven
Yep, that's a key flaw in the design that we need to change. Censorship, regardless of who is being censored, is bad for mankind.
I absolutely do not support any kind of hateful speech, but censorship is a slippery slope. You can't know your logic/ethics point north if you close off contrasting views.
Censorship is like a hungry beast that just doesn't stop consuming more until you realize that its now coming for you. Free speech and censorship are the only options but once you start censoring it never ends and ultimately leads into extreme thinking and craziness.
Why do these people express the hate speech? Its because they chose at some point to narrow their own supply of perspectives. The best way to combat bad arguments is by supplying more reasonable ones.
People need to stop hating words because of slang perception and instead look to root meaning. Those people are obviously a disgrace to their own people.
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