Hey @fulltimegeek
I was about to upload my latest video when the title of this video caught my attention (It should be up in an hour or two... things take a little longer from this side of the world). I'm a bit of a hobbyist developer myself, and have written a small scale automation game for Steem already (and plan on a few more at a later stage)... the reason for the games was to learn NodeJS/SteemJS... but I digress.
I watched your video hoping to learn more about bots on Steem, but instead would like to throw my name into the hat for your list(s)' consideration.
Why should I get onto the list?
Well... first and foremost, all my video content is original and (in my opinion) pretty good too.
When I started on Steemit a few months ago, I was uploading to YouTube first and then onto DTube... Nowadays, but videos live on DTube for a week or 3 before making it onto YouTube and Facebook... The reason for that is that I already have a bit of an audience on those channels, and I would like to encourage that audience to join me here... eventually making DTube exclusive videos. In the next few weeks I'll be kicking off a DLive-exclusive series as well.
So... am I any good for Steem?
I would like to think so ;-) I'm involved with a small community of YouTubers here in South Africa, all of whom are tired of hearing me go on about Steem/Steemit. I've convinced a few to try it out, but like with many new Steemians, they quickly became disillusioned. What better way to show them that DTube CAN work for them than with a few extra votes on my own videos, rather than just showing them votes on other people's videos?
Anyway... thanks for the hearing me out... I hope my content makes the grade. Hit me up on discord or on the comments of any of my videos if you have any questions.
Cheers, and thanks,