Sure. If you live long enough, you might get to set your own foot on the Moon and see for yourself with your own eyes assuming humanity doesn't do something stupid and cause it's own extinction. The Sun of course is far too hot and dense (gravity would crush you to death if you could survive the heat).
The concept of scale seems to be something flat earthers have trouble with. The reason you perceive that the Earth is flat is because your field of vision is at best about 100 miles. But if you drive to Florida from NY (I've done this in about 24 hours), you will notice that certain constellations that used to rise at a lower latitude will be higher in the sky in Florida. The easiest way to explain this is that the earth has curvature. If it was flat, then the same constellations visible in the sky in NY would be at the same latitude in Florida.
The easiest way for you to explain something is not the only logical explanation, nor does it make true.
You can say if it was flat then this would be the case, but that is pure speculation because things are the way they are & none of us have any idea what they’d be like if things were different either way.
Your logic is as sound as Shaq saying I drive across the country all the time & it’s flat.
Your logic is as sound as Shaq saying I drive across the country all the time & it’s flat.
It's a bit better than that. I've written software that deals with astronomical phenomena and it works in a verifiable way. It's true that there can be many different explanations for things. Gravity is a matter of experience, but works as a given because we have no real explanation for why such a force would exist. However, your models also have to be useful in a practical way. When your mathematics is actually useful in getting something to work right, I'll take notice.
Ya, my bad. The shaq comment was a little low, you had better reasoning than he did for sure, but still not proof of anything in my opinion.
Understanding things like
“Gravity is a matter of experience, but works as a given because we have no real explanation for why such a force would exist.”
Is an intelligent way to think about these things.
Staying open minded in these discussions is difficult when we’ve been taught one paradigm our whole lives & taught to mock “flat earthers” via media & school.
The discussion ends up being a tool of division most of the time. Personally, I try to stay open minded & open to new information. I surely do not know everything & our collective knowledge of physics & reality will surely change within my lifetime, perhaps in a completely different direction I’m not even capable of imagining.
Sure. If you live long enough, you might get to set your own foot on the Moon and see for yourself with your own eyes assuming humanity doesn't do something stupid and cause it's own extinction. The Sun of course is far too hot and dense (gravity would crush you to death if you could survive the heat).
The concept of scale seems to be something flat earthers have trouble with. The reason you perceive that the Earth is flat is because your field of vision is at best about 100 miles. But if you drive to Florida from NY (I've done this in about 24 hours), you will notice that certain constellations that used to rise at a lower latitude will be higher in the sky in Florida. The easiest way to explain this is that the earth has curvature. If it was flat, then the same constellations visible in the sky in NY would be at the same latitude in Florida.
The easiest way for you to explain something is not the only logical explanation, nor does it make true.
You can say if it was flat then this would be the case, but that is pure speculation because things are the way they are & none of us have any idea what they’d be like if things were different either way.
Your logic is as sound as Shaq saying I drive across the country all the time & it’s flat.
It's a bit better than that. I've written software that deals with astronomical phenomena and it works in a verifiable way. It's true that there can be many different explanations for things. Gravity is a matter of experience, but works as a given because we have no real explanation for why such a force would exist. However, your models also have to be useful in a practical way. When your mathematics is actually useful in getting something to work right, I'll take notice.
Ya, my bad. The shaq comment was a little low, you had better reasoning than he did for sure, but still not proof of anything in my opinion.
Understanding things like
“Gravity is a matter of experience, but works as a given because we have no real explanation for why such a force would exist.”
Is an intelligent way to think about these things.
Staying open minded in these discussions is difficult when we’ve been taught one paradigm our whole lives & taught to mock “flat earthers” via media & school.
The discussion ends up being a tool of division most of the time. Personally, I try to stay open minded & open to new information. I surely do not know everything & our collective knowledge of physics & reality will surely change within my lifetime, perhaps in a completely different direction I’m not even capable of imagining.