I sat slumped in my chair as the woman on the little mini stage at the front of the room breathlessly talked about Our Data and occasionally flicked her little pointer excitedly to advance her powerpoint slideshow.
I looked about the other poor souls who had been bundled off to the mandatory GDPR training by their respective workplaces. There were not that many, about ten of us. Everyone seemed to be engrossed in the mindless twaddle the lady up front was spouting.
In fact, everyone seemed to be jotting down notes. I idly wondered if I should too? Nah, stuff that. That's what brains were for. If only I could be bothered to focus that is.
My workplace had panicked recently when they realised that they played fast and loose with customers data and could now get fined 10 million euros for doing so.
As a result, we had all got papped off onto a GDPR course to find out how best to preserve the customer's data integrity and not run around throwing it everywhere as we had previously been doing.
Somehow I made it to the last slide in the woman's deck without falling asleep.
Would everyone like to take a comfort break and be back in perhaps twenty minutes?
She trilled like an unhinged budgie.
We all nodded like Pavlov's puppies and filed out.
There was a small breakout room with a coffee machine. I instantly ran to it and hugged it, desperate for it's thick and dark bitter contents.
Only about four people had made it through into the breakout room.
Where did everyone go?
I remarked.
A mad woman with the foamy flanks and eyes of a horse that had been ridden too hard tossed her head sidewards at me.
All out smoking eh! Filthy, filthy so and so's that they are.
I sighed inwardly. Smoking. I bet they were having a blast. In here no-one was speaking. I looked at my desperate companions to see if anyone looked up for some banter and chat.
Mad-frothing-horse-woman was a no-no.
Beside her was a mousy grey man stirring his tea and counting the number of revolutions the spoon made. Yikes no, just watching him stir his tea was making my hair go grey.
That left a younger couple of guys. One of them had mad hair as if he electrocuted himself every morning and the other had trousers which curiously, stopped halfway down his shins.
Phew, that presentation was a bit dry eh?
I said, with a knowing wink.
Short trousers looked at me as if I had asked to borrow a tin of beans from his Mother.
I find it rather interesting. I think that the security piece is the next big thing.
He intoned dolefully as if reading out the ingredients on a packet of noodles.
I looked for help at his wild-haired companion. He looked like a proper bloke, someone who knew how to tear things up.
GDPR though, I mean, who cares right?
I nudged him slightly.
Wild-Hair looked startled, as if I had just crawled up on a beach and laid hundreds of eggs.
Well I care!
He brayed, his once hidden front teeth now exposed like a donkey's as he opened his mouth to speak.
Yes really. It is important that we process data lawfully and transparently with a well-communicated purpose.
I shook my head and looked at the four of them. At that moment the smokers came in from outside, they were laughing and joking loudly. One of them was finishing telling a joke about the lecturer's clown shoes.
They all racked themselves up some coffees then headed back out for more smokery.
I felt a lump of envy in my throat.
At that moment, mad-frothing-horse-woman walked over.
So, what are we all doing for lunch, will we pop out somewhere?
Mousy grey man nodded, still stirring his tea. The pair in front of me also nodded enthusiastically. Which left me.
She gazed at me with her wild horsey eyes.
Well, are you in?
I looked at the three of them and my lip curled up in a sneer.
No thanks, I am going out to buy some cigarettes and join that lot out there.
What about you? What lengths would you go to to avoid being trapped with people you cannot bear? Have you stooped to terrible lengths just to avoid someone??!
Tell us your best tales in the comments. I will be there to listen!
Authored by: @meesterboom
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Thank you!
What happens? How long would you arrive to avoid being trapped with people you can not stand? Have you leaned too far to avoid someone?
Keep it unbearable, you do not have to put up with it! God has called us to that, eye, is my personal opinion, many times we find ourselves with unbearable situations in our lives, having to share with some unpleasant people that is almost unbearable, but as I said before, (God told us we love his Progino like you, no matter how it is) It is difficult to keep things, faces, gestures and attitudes of strangers, but often we must go crazy, to avoid falling into arguments, I think we should simply ignore what we do not like. and turn around and go. those places, bless and say goodbye.
Do not let anything steal your peace, you have control of your life to make decisions, and a good decision is to ignore what you do not like.
I think so yes :0)
Thanks, yes
I think I know exactly what they meant 😉! Do I?
Interesting story about your coworkers and women with her wild horsey eyes hitting on you. Reminds me one time, when I worked in the apartment in NYC as a carpenter. She lived there and was hitting on me every single day. Imagine, I’m in my 30’s, she at her 65-70’s. It escalated to the point when she kept telling me... 😱. I call it the perfect job, because it was done in fastest time ever. At the end I got nice tip from her.
Isn't this the condition of all people who are bored out of their minds in the corporate world. I was actually wondering how the mad-frothing-horse-woman was able to keep her energy levels up, even as she put everybody else to sleep :-)
PS: I actually once jumped from the first floor of a building to escape a lecture that had the potential of putting a caffeine laden elephant to sleep. Thankfully the escape was successful :-)
Hello @ adsactly this is the fantastic article. so i,m to read your article. please provide me full information GDPR training workplace @ adsactly
@adsactly hello It's great to read your post. I do not miss any one of your post. Because you can learn a lot in every post. I always wait for your post
It is normal from my point of view. All at some time we have avoided someone. I remember once I avoided someone in a supermarket and when leaving the site I found him on the bus returning home ... :(
Damn I hate that!
@adsactly can you please comment on this post that says you scammed the shit out of all your investors? https://steemit.com/important/@steempipe/we-are-now-80-people-adsactly-creditors-gmail-com-will-soon-become-100
This is really a beautiful story.. I read this story..This story is really interesting and enjoyable..
Thanks for sharing this interesting post..
Wow!!This is the great interested life story,Sir @adsactly..
This writting funny life story gives us much pleasure..
I am also very happy to this interested post,, without a dout you are a creative person,,I always follow you and I always causes pleasure to visit your blog..
Thank you @Sir adsactly sharing this valuable post..
This writting life story is really enjoyable..
I follow you .. because your outstanding creativity..I think your post is lot of better..
I have many like in your post.. cause,I can learn a lot from your post..
Hope you'll get a good post like this..
Fantastic,, funny life story dear,,@adsactly.. Best of luck..Dear @adsactly.
Well done my dear [email protected] story and this writing is very beautiful.so I like it this nice writing. thanks for sharing your steemit life . I like it this good fun.
Upvote and restemit done sir.best of luck sir...
nah american , really concerns about Data. but without us knowing we leak our data more than we should know. the only thing you should worry is when you get tonnes of airdrop email and shitty ico. i hate people selling my email address without my concern!
I love how you give the information in a wonderful structure for this type of information. I'm still in steemit. Regards and my regards, my support with my vote.
Information and structure in perfect harmony. Set a course for moon.
Thank you.wow very wonderful writing.and very grateful post. thank you so much.
thnks,,its help ful for me
I hope you find the information delictectory
this is a great post, permit resteem.
Permit granted
You should see the size of it in the summer!
this is a grat post.
I caught a grat once, there wasn't much meat on it
So the GDP classes went annoying and boring. Eh they are so frustrating. I mean you merely notice any thing enjoyable and you have to forcably keep yoir eyes open through the whole period. I cant do that broo!! No never!! The companions too were all so coward. Thanks for sharing that fun experience with us.
So the GDP classes went annoying and boring. Eh they are so frustrating. I mean you merely notice any thing enjoyable and you have to forcably keep yoir eyes open through the whole period. I cant do that broo!! No never!! The companions too were all so coward. Thanks for sharing that fun experience with us.
Awesome post! Go check my profile! Only those born in the 90's can get the highest score in the emojis of MSN - IG@raydeolival
This is a perfect description of every school staffroom I ever entered.
The smokers room always had the best banter while the non-smoking staffroom was full of sad looking 'individuals' chewing on some dry excuse of 'veggie' food.
The funniest part was when they banned smoking in schools.
We would all traipse out to the back of the toilets or bike sheds and turf out the smoking kids so we could have a puff!
Happy days lol
I've been to a few teacher training days just like this too.
I enjoyed your story. Have a big fat 100% upvote from me :)
I would have voted for you as a witness but I already did. Can't vote twice. Block chain don't like it ;)
That's a great analysis and that's a outstanding post to provide in this platform so I think that you are a great one in this platform so carry on your activitives.Keep it unendurable, you don't need to endure it! God has called us to that, eye, is my sincere belief, commonly we end up with agonizing circumstances in our lives, sharing with some offensive individuals that is relatively deplorable, yet as I said previously, (God revealed to us we cherish his Progino like you, regardless of how it will be) It is hard to keep things, faces, motions and mentalities of outsiders, yet regularly we should go insane, to abstain from falling into contentions, I figure we ought to just overlook what we don't care for. what's more, pivot and go. those spots, favor and say farewell. Try not to let anything take your tranquility, you have control of your life to decide, and a decent choice is to overlook what you don't care for.
So we wish this community overcome any situation thanks for sharing the details..
I will wait for your post..
I can't tell who copied and spun who, but since you both voted for each other I'm going to give you each a flag. Jeeze.
That is an awesome investigation and that is an exceptional post to give in this stage so I feel that you are an extraordinary one in this stage so bear on your activitives.Keep it agonizing, you don't have to persist it!
God has called us to that, eye, is my true conviction, normally we wind up with anguishing conditions in our lives, offering to some hostile people that is moderately woeful, yet as I said beforehand, (God uncovered to us we treasure his Progino like you, paying little mind to how it can't avoid being) It is difficult to keep things, faces, movements and attitudes of outcasts, yet routinely we ought to go crazy, to refrain from falling into conflicts, I figure we should simply neglect what we couldn't care less for.
likewise, turn and go. those spots, support and say goodbye. Do whatever it takes not to let anything take your serenity, you have control of your life to choose, and an OK decision is to ignore what you couldn't care less for.
So we wish this network conquer any circumstance a debt of gratitude is in order for sharing the subtle elements..
I will sit tight for your post..
I actually think you copied and spun here, but it's obvious that you are working together so both get a flag.