Hello everybody, I am from Belgium near Brussels.
The country known for having continued a period of time without a firm government because there is so much division here, there are the Flemish, the Wallonian's and the Brussels district. The Flemish and Wallonian's really don't get along, and as a country of multi-culturalism there are many languages such as french, dutch, german and since the past decennia arabic, certainly in a few districts in brussel like Molenbeek. In a political view there a so many parties with such difference each u almost don't know wich to chose. As a anarchist type I don't vote for any but the citizens here have a lot of choise of wich all of them don't keep their promises. There is even a political party in Brussels named Sharia for Belgium ( yes this is not a joke!). They are gaining momentum trought the last decennia and all the immigration from the middle-east will certainly give them even more votes by the millions.
Now as for the weather u should not come here for this feature, This is a country where we have seen sun, rain, and snow on a single day. U can go out in full sun in the morning in t-shirt and shorts and 3 hours later u are so cold u really wished to have taken more warmer clothes.
To work in Belgium, if u are a workman u literally are the shit of the society while u do the hardest work U pay incredible amount of taxes, U Have the least advantages and the least amount of paid vacantion. If u are an clerk u have each a little more some even allmost double of the workman. Diplomats here are tax-exempt and are living the high life. And if u have been fired from your work( not for a grave mistake) u are intiteld to have wealthfare, this is really ruining the country as young people tend to stay on it instead of going to work your ass of hurting your back for 200 euro more and on the end of the year paying 1000 euro's of taxes. I pay each year around 1200euro taxes and every month they allready take of around 1800 euro of my bruto paychek for RSZ, Tax and others. many of my friends just don't look for work anymore as they receive 250 euros less then me on my monthly paychek for doing nothing and at the end of the year the receive back from the government around 600 euro depending on some factors so why should they , i can understand them on one way but as I don't like to be sustained by government so i keep myself in jobs trying to climbing a ladder or having enough to become independant. Even tough being independant is also a lot of taxes and no retirement, still beats working for a boss. Nice pyramid ponzi scheme.
Food and beverages are actually still at a nice price, as a multicultural country there are so many choises of different snaks or restaurants. U most certainly will find something that u really like!. Drinks are not to expensive even tought they raised the tax last year it still undermines the prices of France or other neigbouring countries. Sigarette prices have been raised trough the years but are still relative like a pack of camel 19 sig 5, 40 euro, Marlboro 6euro.
Drugs: Everything is to be found here at relative low prices if u find a good dealer, marijuana is in most of the great cities no harsh penalties for less than 3grams they just confiscate it and let u walk. a little bit of harddrugs can be tolerated by means of confiscation if the policemen has had a nice day. So by means there are very nice and wonderfull parties as well as festivals. It is the country where tomorrowland has originated from by the way so if u like to party, no troubles here:-). Women are willing, entree prices are relative low and there are so many discotheques eveywhere seems more like a plague.. u need recommendations, i can help out:-)
The people: If u go to great cities as Brussels the mood is not to great since terrorism began here, Gent, Antwerp, Oostend, Bruges and The Ardennes are nice cities where the mood is rather gentle but if u go into the smaller cities around the big cities, most of the people know each other and u can have a great time living here, as an example, I am from a citie near Brussels and it's relativly small but still 4 schools, as I went to 3 of them. I know a lot of people here and walking trough the town u allways meet someone u know or u have some places where allways will be a group of people u have spend time with in the past and they can be drinking something of smoking a joint taking some time to relax if there is a nice weather around. Even the people are open and if you are not from Belgium, there is mostly a sense of opennes and curiousity. Just not in the middle of Brussels there visitors get ripped of or stolen by the millions a year. But a lot of nice and beautifull places to live even tough the government is taking more and more green away for appartements as the population keep growing. Lot of different sports to do everywhere every man can find his play.
My say is, It's a nice to country to visit and see different places but for really living here and working here, I actually don't recommend it as I am looking for the future to move out of Europe as it is trying to reinstal a neo-feudalistic society and it should rather be called the TAX-union instead of European-union. Any questions I would be happy to reply.
@bjornbm - This is a really awesome reply! I wish it had gotten more attention than it did, but I think that unfortunately it got added near the tail end of the post time. I really enjoyed reading this though, and look forward to see more of your posts/comments. You have a new follower :)
Thank you and I don't mind, I'm glad someone liked it :-)