
And I still haven't resolve the mysteri.. never seen or heard it anymore.. it doesn't singing but screaming I guess.. a single tweet.. but repeated for 3 or 5 after 2-3 minutes, then flew away. I thought it was a crow, but crow is black.. while its not. Crow doesn't have that high pitch but nice screaming. I wish that I can find out more later.

Perhaps there is an elderly person in your neighborhood who knows this bird? Or I should say, someone who has lived there a long time, they don't have to be an old person! If the bird makes such a noise someone must have wondered too and maybe saw it more times? I would like to know this mystery too!

Well.. I'll wait for the time when it's flying around.. sometimes at midnight I heard it passing by, I asked to people at the shop and they just shake their head which mean they don't know too. I must wait for the next encounter

I like this mystery. It would be hard to take its photo at night, but at least you might learn its name. The story continues... in the next chapter!