I met my former high school mathematics teacher in town last week.
We greeted and he asked for directions to a popular resturant called "Eat and Pay".
I told him to make a 360° turn from where we stood and walk for about 5.8 meters. he would see point x and then find the coefficient of X using Pythagoras theorem and round it up to the nearest tens which would be the resturant's address number. Then I told him that he would see a big pharmacy which was perpendicular to his right, then make an obtuse angle turn, he would see the resturant at a distance of about the anti-logarithm of 7.
It's a please meeting you again, enjoy your day sir. I hope we shall meet again.
He began his work to the resturant,
I think he should have found his way by now.
Let him get a feel of what it was like when he taught me back then in school....
source: unidentified
photocredit: dreamstime.com