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RE: Stranger Things

in #fun7 years ago (edited)

Wow, what a wonderful feat of writing balancing humour and seriousness on such an equal balance as to make a level feel betrayed!

Excellent, thank you! This is a touchy topic, one that could become dicy fairly quickly. So, I'll tip toe my way into it like most Canadians would... ;)

My experience and understanding of history showed me that astringency would do well, on the short terms, with aggressive or misbehaving parties. Though efficient in such cases, it obviously is not sustainable a manner if one is to build community on the long run as long term interactions demands a behaviour of integrity as well but also a level of openness that will allow for the feeling of safety, on both part, to take place. Without it, there is no open space for learning as it is showed in neurological studies. Both physical and emotional safety must take place to create the precedent of open communication for relationships to grow. Using this technique would stifle and thus render the relationship unviable on the long run.

The philosophy by which this "communication" approach comes from is a close descendent of warrior cultures which entice each other in warring each other by the very fact of their philosophy and perspective on relationships. Some cultures, luckily, have learned from it and have moved toward more sustainable and healing ways allowing the potential to live peacefully and thriving within their culture as well as abroad, radiating of a warmth and openness, not to be confused with naivety, toward demeanours of all genres permitting and welcoming open communication, cultural expansion and free expression of true feelings.

To come back to the situation you lived by, you had a gut feeling that the individual wasn't right maybe and used a show of strength and austerity. This seems to have served you well in the past and, possibly in this situation too... Did it help you two build a stronger human relationship or build community in spite of the fear of being robbed? I understand that safety comes first, at what price in this case? Was the occasion robbed by the same token of a potential new powerful friendship, connection or of a stronger human bond that would one way or another on the long run benefit all humans???

As for your friend, maybe he has enough to let the robbers survive another day given them another chance to learn and grow out of the unhealthy ways by which thieves survive. When the occasions, social and/or physical and/or emotional environment become more placid, may they too grow out of their ways and be included in a community that will allow them to rightfully be a thriving person too.

Again, I want to thank you for this beautiful opportunity to share in laughter, learning and humanity.

All for one and one for all! Namaste :)


This is such a marvelous comment. I do agree with the sentiments within. We Scots can be such a ridiculously prickly bunch often unwarranted. It is good to riff on our ridiculousness! Namaste :0)

Thank you for your reply, your words are greatly appreciated. I guess maybe I should have underlined the matter of the "Art of War" where the #1 enemy to learn to deal with is the one within... Namaste :)

wonderful thanks for great comment

You are very welcome, it is a pleasure from this end too, namaste :)