Tim, thanks for using my poll question. Great responses from everyone here. For me, there are so many regrets, so many times when I ignored my gut instincts and basically sabotaged myself. Mistakes made when younger were easier to overcome or repair but a mistake I made less than ten years ago has permanently impacted my life. I married a man with a serious personality disorder. He was emotionally and psychologically abusive and by the time I was wrenched out of that relationship by a concerned family member it was too late. I had lost my savings, home and inheritance due to his gambling, contracted a STD due to his affairs which I only found out about after I left him, sacrificed a career because he was paranoid about me working with men so I quit (I was still in love with him at that point and thought the break would be temporary), isolated me from my family, and threatened to hurt me with a smear campaign should I ever leave him. He had filmed me while I was in a deep sleep...won't describe the graphic details but it was "his insurance" to use later. There were times when he would get so angry that he snapped and I felt that my life was in jeopardy. There were times when he was the perfect husband, told me I had misunderstood his comments or behaviour, and that I needed to apologize to him. I thought I was losing my mind. After I left him, he tried to ruin my life, threatened to post the video--revenge porn. Police and lawyers were involved but the video is out there, online somewhere. It took nearly three years to get back on my feet but my financial security is gone. I'm a renter where once--before that asshole--I owned a home outright. I once had RRSPs, considerable savings, had planned to retire at 62, and could afford to travel every second summer to Italy. I had friends, a social life, a light heart. He destroyed everything I had built in my life in less than four years. I'm relieved that he's out of my life now but I'm facing a far different future because of this one stupid mistake: I ignored all of the red flags and married a man I knew was very wrong for me. I thought my love could heal him. I learned the hard way that it couldn't.
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Wow, what a horrendous story. Sorry you had to go through that. Thanks for sharing though :)