I believe it has to be so many persons are expecting Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War and Deadpool 2 and Venom in 2018. So many right?As you can see, they both the surper hero movies. Nowdays, more and more person are addicted into the surper hero movies. You maybe one of them just like me. But have you ever thought about the resons of it? Do you know why you like the surper heros??? I will tell you !

You need to know, not you like the surper hero movies. Your grandfather, your great-grandfather, your great great grandfather had the same emotion. But their "surper hero movies" are called comic books, mythology. Surper hero movies are modern mythological stories.

Although lots of persons like surper hero movies, still many person said dislike. They think surper hero movies are superficial, just like many person think mythollogical stories are vulgar and ignorant. But the repugnant mood not impeding mythollogical stories pass from mouth to mouth, living in many generations of memory. Why? Because people can get some spirit, some power from it.

But why the surper hero movies can become modern mythological stories? We can find the answer from the Mythology.
In the twentieth Century, a mythological researcher appeared in the United States. Joseph·Campbell. He wrote a book called 'The hero with a thousand faces'. He said an interesting thing is that all the heroes in all myths follow the same Adventure Model. He divided Adventuer Models into three parts: Launch, Initiation and Regression. We can sum up twelve steps.

Hero just live a ordinary life like us

Hero choose get into an adventure under some kind of invitation or crisis

Hero may be afraid of the unknown world and change

An elderly wise or experienced friend provides encourage, experience or equipment to a hero

Heroes leave the ordinary world and take risks in a difficult journey

The hero is confronted with a series of difficulties and dangers.Hero begin to understand the world

The hero faces the most severe test .This test is often accompanied by the fear and weakness of the hero

The hero is frustrated and plunged into a low valley

After a hero gets through a crisis, he gets some form of growth or treasure.

The blocking, temptation, or retaliation of a dark force
The hero solves the dark forces or escaping from the dark forces
Hero return to the ordinary world and change the ordinary life

These routines are our thousands of years of Mythology, Modern superhero movies.
Also the story of every one of us.