Tongue Twister, They help us improve our pronunciation in a certain language!

in #fun7 years ago (edited)


The tongue twisters are used to practice the correct pronunciation of the words of the language, as well as to be more fluent when expressing oneself. I am currently in an English course as my second language and I realized that when I started to pronounce them like anyone else I stumbled my tongue several times, but then I began to realize that my fluency at the time of reading in English and thinking in English was faster. Thank God I have an excellent English teacher and I could say that more than a teacher is a great friend

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Most of the time we always have problems or find it difficult to pronounce the tongue twisters correctly in another language because we say the vowels as we are used to saying them in our mother tongue, in case my is Spanish, therefore the vowels in Spanish only have 5 sounds (a, e, i, o, u) would be diphthongs, but in English the language I am learning as I said earlier, the vowels have between 16 and 18 different vowel sounds, which sometimes the same vowel in different Words may sound in several different ways. That's why for me the tongue twisters help us a lot to know how to pronounce each word and have more fluency when speaking.

Then I will leave some tongue twisters in English and Spanish to have fun for a while trying to say them as fast as possible:

Tongue Twister in Spanish

  • Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en un trigal
    En tres tristes trastos
    En tres tristes trastos tragaban trigo
    Tres tristes tigres en un trigal

  • Pepe pica pocas papas con un pico
    Con un pico pepe pica pocas papas,
    ¿cuántas papas pica pepe con un pico

  • Yo poco coco como,
    Poco coco como yo.
    Si poco coco yo como,
    Poco coco compro
    El tomatero Matute mato al
    Matutero Mota porque Mota
    El matutero tomo de su tomatera
    Un tomate. Por eso, por un tomate
    Mato el tomatero Matute al matutero Mota

  • )

    Tongue Twister in English

  • Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
    A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked
    If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
    Where is the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

  • She sells sea shells by the sea shore
    The shells she sells are surely seashells.
    So if she sells shells on the seashore,
    I´m sure she sells seashore shells

  • Mr. See owned a saw.
    And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw.
    Now See´s saw sawed Soar´s seesaw
    Before Soar saw See,
    Which made Soar sore.
    Had Soar seen See´s saw
    Before See sawed Soar´s seesaw,
    See´s saw would not have sawed
    Soar´s seesaw
    So See´s saw sawed Soar´s seesaw.
    But it was sad to see Soar so sore
    Just because See´s saw sawed
    Soar´s seesaw.

  • How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?
    If a woodchuck could chuck as much wood as the wood chuck could chuck,
    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?

  • Source

    ¡Thanks for reading!


    Keep on doing your job, a great job,once you really learn, you never stop learningthank you @josegtoro10

    so is teacher i will never stop learning