Four decades ago,
the original Star Wars movie was released in theaters, Ronald Reagan was sworn in as the 40th president of the United States, the Trans-Alaska pipeline pumped its first barrels of oil, the cold war was was still going on and much more...
Take a brief look 40 years ago.

- In a Cologne high-rise a "safe house" is discovered fraction of the terrorist Red Army. It exposes flaws in the police manhunt for the killers of kidnapped employer president Hanns Martin Schleyer be known. Despite early indications of the landlord, the police had the apartment only now searched.
- In Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian leadership confirmed for the first time reports that Cuban units are involved in the fighting against Somalia.
- In the cemetery of Corsier sur Vevey (Switzerland), the coffin of the British film actor Charlie Chaplin is stolen. Chaplin was buried here in December 1977th