The Most Useless Post On Steemit

in #fun8 years ago

Steemit is so much fun and extremely addicting which is not surprising considering the guys who invented it are experts in game theory. They seem to have figured out how to keep us involved using the platform.

However, lately, there has been an influx of new users that don't seem to understand the idea of genuinely engaging with others on this platform and their responses sometimes verge on the ridiculous side.

I'm sure some of you have received some stupid comments before and I'd like to hear them.

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Sometimes I'll make a post that shares a music video and get a response that says:

Oh lengthy post, I am new to Steem. This was a useful post for me, I learned a lot.

Really? What can you learn from watching a music video?

I'm not sure if these people are really people or just bots but it's obvious their comment has nothing to do with the content of the post.

They just added a comment so they can upvote themselves. There's nothing wrong with upvoting yourself per say, but to upvote your comment that says something like, thanks, is just SO wrong in my opinion.

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Image credit

Another thing I'm seeing lately is people commenting with something like:

Great post. Upvoted and resteemed.

When you check you discover they did not resteem your post and only upvoted their comment. Where I come from we call that lying.

I have seen this happen on my posts many times and I always respond with something like:

I would thank you for the reteem and upvote but you did not resteem and upvote this post.

They never respond back. It's a shame to see this happening so often on Steemit but what are you going to do?

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I guess they think most people won't check to see if they really did resteem their post and may just return the favor. I'm not sure what they are thinking really because my mind doesn't work that way.

I thought of making a post with totally useless information to see how many comments respond with,

Great post. Very useful information.

So here are 5 totally useless tips just to see how many stupid responses come in. If they do respond with rubbish, I'm going to make fun of them when I respond to their comment. Why? Because it's fun.

You can help me tease them too. So, without further ado here are 5 useless tips to use as comment bait.

5 Useless Tips

  1. If your balls itch you should scratch them.
  2. Don't eat yellow snow.
  3. To prevent sunburns stay out of the sun.
  4. When you're hungry eat something.
  5. To create a sentence you should use words.

Totally useless advice, right? Now let's see what happens in the comments below.

Please don't take anything I say in this post seriously. I'm just having some fun with people who post silly comments.

What is the silliest comment you have ever received on one of your posts?


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I think your tips are useful. Very informative post.

So I think I am going to upvote myself. A lousy 3 cents :)

In all seriousness, I feel your pain. But is part of the game. You are talking the 'Internet' here, bro. No rules, not manners, no nothing. Nobody feeling limited because of anonymity, no repercussions, every 12 yr old kid can be a 26 gorgeous girl and speaking/linking trash is free.

So it would be a bit idealistic to think that Steemit would not attract this kind of posters. I hope the effect will wear off over time. After all, posting does require some thinking. And thinking is hard.

To end with something to think about:

The ugly and stupid have the best of it in this world. They can sit at their ease and gape at the play. If they know nothing of victory, they are at least spared the knowledge of defeat. They live as we all should live-- undisturbed, indifferent, and without disquiet. They never bring ruin upon others, nor ever receive it from alien hands. Your rank and wealth, Henry; my brains, such as they are-- my art, whatever it may be worth; Dorian Gray's good looks-- we shall all suffer for what the gods have given us, suffer terribly.
― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Yes, the internet tends to strip people of their common sense and civility sometimes. Steemit is very different though, at least until very recently, in that people who get it and do well here are usually conducting themselves using their best behaviour. The authors that last give more than they take from the platform.

Only recently have we seen more people who appear to be trying to take and give very little. I believe though that in time they will come to realise their tactics will not give them the rewards they thought they would and they will eventually lose interest.

Like you said;

Thinking is hard.

Thanks for the Oscar Wilde quote. It is something to think about.

Today I received a comment about how photogenic I was...and I wasn't in the photograph at all. LMAO!!!!

This post is golden. I, too, have noticed a huge influx of the bot comments recently. I like to give people benefit of the doubt, and understand that with new users on the platform, they're still learning how it works...but to see all the bots harder at work than some of the n00bs is pretty disheartening. I hope that the crowd does its job of showing folks how we truly operate around here...posts like this hopefully will help that along. Thanks, Luz!

Quality is key!!

It is going to take some time for the newer users doing this kind of commenting to realize things are different on Steemit. And we have to let them all know and show them how to really engage. I like to think of adding comments as just having a real discussion with people on the topic we are talking about.

As @wekkel commented above;

it would be a bit idealistic to think that Steemit would not attract this kind of posters. I hope the effect will wear off over time. After all, posting does require some thinking. And thinking is hard.

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Upvoted and Resteemed. Follow back? Oh, and I think I'll upvote my own post too. My balls are itchy.

Nice tips, very useful! ......

LOL... This happens all the time dude, those are newbies (probably) that dont know much of how the site works...

I also have gotten some crap comments like: "Great performance, specially the vocal!", on an instrumental video LOL...

At some point they have to figure that this attitude is not helping them...

Indeed. You actually gotta listen to the song to make a comment. If you don't have the time to listen, then these peeps should just comment on photography, because a comment like "Oh that looks pretty!" is actually relevent.

So far none of the typical "bots" comments. Maybe they've built in logic to avoid any posts that have the phrase 'yellow snow' in them :P haha

Agree though. I recently joined and seem to see the same 3-5 profiles post a few seconds after the post came out. In this case it would be impossible to read so much text in 10 seconds!

This rarely used to happen until the last two months. Now I usually get a lame comment 10 seconds after publishing. Impossible to read the post in that time and obviously, judging by the comment, not related to the topic.

Curiously it didn't happen on this post. Perhaps you're right. Bots must not like yellow snow either.

Death to bots! ... no? too soon? :)


Obvious bots are obvious, although I do enjoy the bots programmed to speak chinglish.

I can speak fluent Tequilish. I can teach you to speak fluently in two hours guaranteed.

Just a minute. Are you saying I shouldn't be scratching the twins? That's news.

So you get a major upvote and I'm resteeming to get this to all 4 of my followers.


The twins get scratched often. Thanks for making me laugh. I would thank you for the resteem but you didn't resteem this post. LOL

I was playing off the resteem comment in your post. I resteemed just like all the other people that promised you they would, LOL

Very useful post, this was helpful to me. Thanks

LOL. So, did you scratch them?

Yep and I used my words to make this sentence

Scratch and sniff.

Gross. LOL

Do you mean you don't have an idea why they do this way? really?

They upvote themselves for the money of course. But saying you resteemed someone's post when you didn't. No, I don't understand that at all. It's so easy to check and instantly labels them as liars. What is the upside to that?

you are the guy with 72+ reputation.

All they need only your attention for any cost :)) Who knows maybe you just upvote every comment without reading

No, I don't upvote every comment without reading it.

I don't upvote whales just because they're whales and don't upvote my own comments usually. I don't follow people unless I like their stuff. I haven't started voting less since the last hardfork.

I just engage with people and give as much as I can to the platform. All that other stuff would seem to just hurt your reputation in my view.

since I don't have a lot of SP, I leased some SP for upvoting my community.

The major issue which I can see here on Steemit is people don't understand the fact that all can move as humans, even in our real lives, only with building connections .

I can guess it's new paradigm on our Planet. We can grow only together.

What is why I support a community, what is why I'm building community around. if everyone grows, then the community power is multiplied and everyone too, btw.

Just my few cents

Good post and completely agree. Remember that people will be people. That you can count on...Their senselessness.

This is actually a really funny post, I am astounded by that Laura Morton post wow really ??
someone trying to argue that the world is flat quoted that 'The Flat Earth Theory is known all around the GLOBE' lmao

Thanks for the breath of fresh air @luzypher ... honesty and good ole-fashioned common sense is harder and harder to come by these days...

How bout these two for some useless banter:

  1. Is it hotter in the summer than it is in the city?

  2. Do you walk to work or carry a lunch?

Should we start calling it uncommon sense now?

It would be fitting I presume... lol....

I feel cheated.

Why is no one spamming my posts?

In the last 2 weeks I've only had one semi-spammy comment that could have almost been interpreted as being about the post (if you closed one eye and squinted really hard with the other).

They didn't even spam my post about comment spammers.

What am I doing wrong?

If you don't have any luck attracting spam-bots with this post, feel free to try, "If a tree falls in the forest, try not to be underneath it."

You should write worse articles....

I throw something senseless in every few days.

Maybe they are commenting but because you're a blind squirrel you can't see them. Just scratch your nuts. You'll be alright.

Rest assured, that's exactly what I'm going to do on my next break.

ROFLOL!!!!! I needed a bit of humor today! Thanks for the giggle!

The 5 useless tips are just so perfect!

I kept getting comments on some of my photography posts saying "Great drawing! You are so great at drawing!" etc. At first I just thought it was a poor translation, but then they literally said on my PHOTOGRAPHY post something like "Such great drawing! It almost looks like a real photo!" Ugh, read the CONTENT, dude. I'll have to go back and see if I can find the post and the replies.

I saw a post with a comment that said;

Great photos!

-- but there were no images in the post.

What should I do to a fucking FLAGGOT that's on my ass?

Ignore them. Acknowledging them only encourages them. And if they add a comment to your post telling you why they flagged you, which they rarely do, upvote it but don't say a word. They will usually pick on someone else.

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Thank you for good tip I like you upvote me now follow-follow, danger Will Robinson, danger. I got one of these comments today, then two (probably bots) upvoted the nonsensical comment. Also got someone who clearly didn't read what I wrote, complimented me on it and asked me to read their stuff. That's the Bad. The good is I've been here three weeks and I've had conversations with people in Pakistan, India, South Korea, and Nebraska, to name a few. That's awesome! And I learned some stuff about their hometowns/countries. It's getting easier to ignore the creepy bots and scammers and quickly sift past the worthless postings. I guess you could say I'm letting go and developing a steemit sense. Yesterday I tried to visit every page of people who are following me (there's only 50) and find an article of theirs I could use as a conversation starting point. Didn't get through all of them and some pages were better than others but I found it to be an uplifting exercise in trying to make real connections.

I just found you and have read 2 of your posts. This one has me laughing out load because I had someone call me a "spammy dude" because of upvoting. At first I was like...what the hell? First off...I didn't even know what up-voting was at the moment...second...I'm a woman in my 60's. Cracked me up. Turns out that person was calling someone else a "spammy dude" because they had upvoted their own comment. What have to learn not to take things personally for sure. Thanks for the insight. I look forward to reading more.

Ugh... I hate those comments. And it's overflowing from Facebook and other media platforms. I always hate when they comment something like "Nice post. Please go upvote mine. I do blah blah blah..." Then a paragraph about their post that isn't even closely related to what I posted. Or when they just direct message their links in a room... I usually try to say thanks but no I won't upvote or follow just because of that comment. I want others to actually communicate and interact with new people... Not just get followers and upvotes. It's about the networking, man!!! 😝

I am disapointed. 5 Hours and no spam...maybe they are not bots...just douchebags?

This post has been ranked within the top 80 most undervalued posts in the second half of Jul 24. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $16.62 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jul 24 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

Hola Luzcypher! Te invitamos a participar en el challenge de esta semana organizado para la comunidad mexicana! El post se encuentra aquí:

You can also participate in english.

Te mandamos un saludo!

On point! but I'm having a yellow snow. :)

I don't usually attract that many bots but when I do, they always make me laugh because they are stupid and senseless. At least they brighten my day :)

Very useful information.. I have always had trouble with number 1, especially in public places.

OMG I know ALL about this. 90% of the comments on my posts are like this...

I think most of the comments you are describing here come down to botting.

That's why people come up with such ridiculous posts... stuff like "Wow very interest this content is good and I hope it will bring great change soon thanks please upvote," stuff like that is just a weird desperate attempt to use bots and get a few bucks.

Some of these people or groups may very well be spoofing multiple free accounts to make matters worse.

Lol! A group of such people will definitely start flagging your posts. Don't tease them :P
BTW, wonderful post, upvoted resteemed :D

I am new to the site myself but I won't comment on someone's post unless I read it and identify with it in some way. I wasn't sure if one could upvote their own content but it seems like it's kind of the same thing as liking your own status update on Facebook. Which I think is kind of lame but that's just my opinion.

Sadly enough etiquette is not as important to people as it used to be generally speaking. People either don't know any better or they don't care. I've been trying to learn all that I can about etiquette on this site from people who have been here awhile.

I found this post a bit more funny than informative but I certainly appreciated it. Lol.

I am sorry to say I cannot contribute any truly stupid comments that I've seen on my posts but I have seen a few very generic replies. As I mentioned I'm still very new so I'm sure I have made some mistakes but I truly do want to add value here and do things the right way.

Yea I'm seeing this pretty often. Comments totally unrelated to my post. Lately I even had like 7 or 8 comments from the same person on my post.

I'm a big fan of the bot who says, "I like toast."

Thanks for your incredibly insightful tips. Life changed. Upped and resteemed.

But, seriously...

This comment I received is not necessarily spam, but it was a rather strange response to my intro post, which featured no paintings whatsoever:

"This is a very beautiful painting ... it looks real and the coloring technique is very great .. anything you painted really beautiful and great.I hope one day you want to paint my face @thebigdelay"

Maybe one day I will paint their face. Who knows.

If I had a brush I would pass it over their face right now.

Cool, good to hear from you. It was so fun hanging out.

So you're off to Bangkok soon. Awesome!