Wow this is really awesome. I have heard about this with books but not art. Neat idea and wonderful that you are contributing :) plus frees up room to create!
Wow this is really awesome. I have heard about this with books but not art. Neat idea and wonderful that you are contributing :) plus frees up room to create!
For some reason we don't have those little libraries around here. Maybe because we have an excellent library in town?
I'd not heard of the art project before I joined but it's been going on for years. Once I got started it was really addicting! I'm always looking for new places to 'hide' things. And yes, I'm loving the space at home that I'm creating.
Hey, did you see this, going on in New Zealand?
A rock, some paint, and a whole lot of love!
@tattoodjay is my friend :) Steemit friend anyway. He is in Connecticut now. Not sure I ever figured out how he got from NZ to US.
I might have misread it. Wherever the beach is I love the idea!