Still waiting for a good joke about Steemit photographers

in #fun7 years ago

Whoever makes me laugh will win 5 100% upvotes, a few resteems and a whole 1.0 SBD.

I'm really grumpy and in general a sad person, so your joke has to be good.
I like dark humor. Short jokes might crack me up too.
Intellectual jokes are good too.

I don't like cheap jokes that use human genitalia or anything similar as the joke. Boooring and lame.

The joke has to be about Steemit photographers. Might be a specific user or everyone in general.
Failure to make me laugh in the next 24hours will result in another post, begging you to make laugh, please :(

I'm so sad and grumpy...
just... one smile... one chuckle.
It's all I'm asking.


A man walks into a bar and sits down and orders a drink. He then notices a jar that is full of money. The man asks the bartender what the jar is for.

The bartender then says that he has a donkey in the back room and "if anyone can make him him laugh they win the money. If not they owe me 100 dollars."

The man says, "I can do it!" So he goes into the back room and about 5 minutes later the bartender hears the donkey laughing out loud. The man walks out and takes the money from the jar, thanks the bartender, and leaves.

About a month later the man comes back into the bar and there is a new jar of money. The man asks the bartender what the new jar of money is for.

The bartender looks at the man and says, "if you can make the donkey cry the money is yours, if not you owe me 100 dollars." The man says, "ok I'll do it!"

He walks into the back room and about 2 minutes goes by when the bartender hears the donkey crying. The man walks out and grabs the money out of the jar, but before the man leaves the bartender asks, "How did you make the donkey laugh?"

The man looks at the bartender and says, "Well the first time I told the donkey that I had a bigger pecker then he did".

"How did you make him cry?" asks the bartender?
"Well I showed him."

(heard this one years ago, but i couldnt be bothered typing it, so i googled it, copied from here )

Two Steemit photographers are travelling through a third world country and pass by a beggar on the street. One of the photographers asks the other one:

"What did you give him?"

The other photographer replies:

"250th of a second at f/5.6."

Half a chuckle. Best one yet.

Thanks a lot! It was very nice surprise to find one extra SBD in my wallet today :)

i didn't mean to make you sad but this is not your joke

Jokes are travelling around all the times. The first is author, others are just entertaining with jokes they have heard somewhere. There wasn't special rule for that, the task was to write a good joke.

yes, correct. but doesn't seem right for me to plagiate

Aga leppige aeg kokku ja klaarige asi ära. Ma võin tulla pildistada.

Wasn't expecting any drama, but I'll edit my comment with source as soon as I reach to my computer. Is this okay? :)

good one haha!

Thanks! :)

Woman's way of adding oil.

A giphy.gif

Sorry, I'm German. We do not have any sense of humour.
So I only can help you waiting for the joke. Let's hope for a good one.

Good Night ;)