Now you can explore other moons and planets with Google Maps

in #fun7 years ago

If you have the desire to explore the universe, we have good news for you. Google introduced the new Google Maps option with which you can explore planets like Venus, Mercury and Pluto, as well as several frozen moons in our solar system.

This new option allows you to move between several celestial bodies, rotate and bring planets and moons closer. Reportedly, the project was inspired by Cassini, which has sent thousands of photos. These photographs reveal completely new parts of Jupiter, Saturn, and their moons.

"20 years ago, the Cassini spacecraft was launched on a journey that would reveal the secrets of Saturn and its moons. During the mission, Cassini made and sent nearly half a million photos of the Earth, allowing scientists to reconstruct these distant worlds with incredible details, "Google said.

Because there is still no search option, navigation can go hard. On the other hand, this allows you to navigate yourself through the Solar System, which is really exciting.

In addition to Jupiter and Saturn, you can explore Ceres, Io, Europe, and Mimas (the frozen moons that probably have extraterrestrial life.) The oldest version of Google's Mops allowed users to see Earth, the moon, Mars, Mercury and the International Space Station, and these options will remain available now.


Mars here....

I wish google would respect my privacy, I've already had enough problems with these damn rovers on my face...

Jupiter agrees...


Cool! Awesome tool for kids! Thanks for sharing! ;)