The Craziest Game Of Thrones Theory Might Be Actually Be True!

in #fun8 years ago (edited)

After this weeks insane episode of Game of Thrones, theories about the Night King started showing up all over the internet.


There is MAJOR speculation that Bran Stark and the leader of the White Walkers share a special connection. And basically that connection is this:

Bran and the Night King are the same person!



That's right guys! It's been there in plain sight the whole time! But the big question here is:


The theory is:

Bran has the power to not only see the past, present, and future, but he can astral project his consciousness into another body and control them.

He tries to use his powers to go back in time to save the living of Westeros from White Walkers, and by doing so set forth a series of events that eventually lead to him becoming the Night King!

The show has hinted for a while now about the weird bond between them. Feeling when each other is near. Seeing each others thoughts. So it wouldn't be the biggest leap this show has ever taken,

And if Bran is the Night King, then screw that guy for what he did this past Sunday!

(In case you missed it, watch it here:)

Obviously this is just a theory and hasn't been stated of proven by the show... yet, but that picture makes the best argument I've seen for this being true!

If you haven't seen the cool fan-filter that Snapchat is offering: Click HERE!

Don't forget, This weekend is the season finale! And hopefully, all will get revealed!


Interesting idea. I don't like Bran at all, he's creepy!

Great post

Thanks. Glad you dug it.

Yea mind blown. Brand is EVERYONE theory! Very nice!