
I have to say that I like this! We are really serious about finding awesome videos on DTube and letting everyone know how great they are. This post seemed exceptional to us, and our community found it remarkable as well. We compile and publish a list of our favorite posts on a regular basis. We just stopped by to make sure you heard the good're on OneLoveDTube Video Picks of the day!

You can view all of our picks from July 10 here: OneLoveDTube Picks

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Nice! That is pretty awesome! Thank you! 👍

Haha - "Hell is very nice this time of year..." good way to wrap it up. You guys did a great job with this, quite entertaining.

Thank you Todd : )

@valorforfreedom this was a very funny interview. It had a great look and feel while watching it. Well done Phil my friend!

Thank you! 😎