in #functionx5 years ago

Hi, welcome to my blog friend, I release another unique and awesome project in the entire crypto space. A project with a great deal of possibilities. This project is FUNCTION X!



Only couple of months back, Facebook just got into a legitimate tussle for the arrival of client data, labeled the scandalous Harvard Analytica. This kind of monopolistic access to client data attributable to the administrations gave and the influence given by the appearance of the web isn't sole to Facebook, other enormous players like Amazon, Apple, Google have gained by this conclusion to thoroughly corner the advanced circle. The book 0 to 1 contends that google for example has no challenge, it is in its own class. This goes to call attention to, maybe perhaps the most concerning issue consistently, blending.

Besides, the unified position transactions take is troubling, while an insignificant presentation of a decentralized system would have made for trust focused system and one which Information will stream effortlessly and away from mediators. This will enormously, counteract data imposing business model as played by these huge tech monsters.

In an offer to proffer suitable answer for the issues above, came the release of Function x. this system manufactured absolutely on square chain is an ecosystem, profoundly decentralized comprising of five segments,


The function x operating system: this displays a mind boggling decentralized operating system depended on square chain innovation, with the end goal that any movement performed on this platform is kept from outsider obstruction. Strangely, this will chip away at most smartphones, androids.

The function x distributed ledger: this is in charge of the general dealing with and preparing of information on the platform. With the guide of blockchain, data is put away and confirmed in a safe system.

The function x IPFS: In an offer to structure a veritable a system to store data in a protected spot, the IPFS was made to store data in a distributed system. Each record is put away in the system can be called up whenever, when it is required.

FXTP protocol: this characterizes the standard of mode for transmission of data or information by means of a system. Hence, FXTP is the transmission protocol for this decentralized system.

Function x decentralized Docker: applications will currently be kept running in a decentralized example on this system, they will probably store, convey, and run codes remotely in a decentralized manner.

All these to one end, to make a completely decentralized multipurpose platform, one that can cook for a few administrations, for example, correspondences, applications keep running on it, sites facilitated on it and highest client data.


Once more, key and the greatest on Function xs offering is its phone, the X Phone.


This versatile smart gadget, is an all blockchain assembled gadget. This deciphers dissimilar to customary smart phones, this one will adopt a decentralized strategy towards calls informing, internet providers and application administrations. There will never again be required the assistance of brought together specialist co-ops. The greatest arrangement is that client data is kept private, away from outsider impedance. At last, function Xs completely decentralized, system, made to run initially in perpetually unhinged and without reliance or supervision of any individual or association outsider or some other.

For more useful information about FunctionX, visit the official websites below:




Concept paper:



ANN thread:

Authors details

Btt username: ifepoh
Btt profile url:;u=2443561;sa=summary!