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RE: A new life in Puerto Rico. I am supporting entrepreneurs, cryptocurrency investors, blockchain developers.

in #fundinggym7 years ago

Just to be clear as I learn this platform, I am StartupLaunchpad also here. FundingGym is for the purpose of putting education materials I already assembled over decades of experience into the blockchain and for other enthusiastic entrepreneurs to learn from. I will be converting my databases that cover all sorts of topics related to personal and business credit profile development into the Steemit and DTube platforms for all to see and use.

I am also StartupLaunchpad. That profile is specifically for posting other content not related to business credit or personal credit development topics. I operate both and want to be transparent about that.

I will be putting more info here and will decide which profile most fits the nature of content I post.

Thank you all for the support!


Very interesting. I have 30+ years in AI and have a home in STX.

Nice coincidence!

not coincidence - that's why I was attracted to your plans - I understand the situation in PR.

hey, thanks for the upvotes!
but, do you know - any upvote is discounted by the % remaining voting power? So, the same 100% when your remaining voting power is down, say to 27%, is the same as voting 26% but when your remaining SP is at 100%?
I stop voting when my % SP drops below 80% unless I'll be out more than 24 hours - the time to recharge 20% of SP.
All the best!

Ahhh!!! That is a good bit of education. So much to learn! Thanks for the tips!

there are many "old hands" who still don't get it and discounted themselves by voting below 80%, my absolute minimum unless I'll be gone more than 24 hours.

You have been invited to:

All the best!@startuplaunchpad - I would like your input and possibly support on this: "6.9.18 Saturday (or Cat-turday - 😺 meow) To Launch or Not to Launch - that is the Question! Upvotes and Prizes 🏆🏅🐬 🐟 Give-away" - please click on #ccc to find the post.