I appreciate that you are always making changes to improve the service sometimes the changes benefit me and other times they don't and I accept that.
But for the past 3 days I have received no votes from the trail despite, upvoting other members in the trail. Is this an unexpected bug?
Hi @freshstreetfits
This behaviour is expected with the last update (#4). You are now capped to receive not more than twice (in value) what you give to the trail (on a 7-day rolling period).
The goal of this is to "keep" more VP on all trailers' accounts to make the votes from the trail are distributed among all the people who give to the trail. And also that once every 7 days, whatever amount you give to the trail, you'll receive one full trail upvote for participating in it. The upvotes you got from the trail (on that one post that got upvoted) must have been much higher than what you received before, right ?
For the curation pool, there's no limit to what you receive, you just receive in proportion to what you give (as there's no VP to take into account).