Another task added to the notion! Bringing Badgr and Open Badges to Steemcasting & Ampsteem.

yep, we have a daily project breakdown, I’m loving notion btw, if your gonna do a project properly, you need a plan right?! :)

I don’t remember how long ago it was, maybe a decade ago (certainly seems like forever) I found myself at mozfest, a conference for all things Mozilla, it was a really crazy awakening to the world of all thing rights and open source, the movement felt strong and focused and lots of people were rallying around and tooting the horn of open.

We even got given each a Mozilla Firefox OS mobile phone, it was pretty crazy, I’ve still got it and it still works today, I use it for a few things now and again, nuts that it still works, that the battery still charges, kinda testament I guess to the Mozilla foundation itself! :)

so why the interest in open badges again?

Well it seems that quite a bit has been going on since I last looked at the open badges, I remember feeling super inspired at the time of ‘how I was going to use them’ and of course like most things in life I ended up taking another path and got into the next client job (life has a way of doing that right?) therefore the badging got pushed to the side.

When combined with Pathways, badges become keys that can unlock new learning opportunities and signify milestones on a student’s lifelong learning journey. Pathways provide stackable, easy-to-understand visual maps that help learners understand where they are and what to do next

fast forward today then and everything is seemingly in alignment to play around with these things — we already have the @ampsteem project up and @steemcasting is taking shape, live streaming is the normal with massive audiences potentially tuning in to watch, it’s a potential great entry point for a content creator, media maker and blockchain user to join together all the things in unison and build out the next level of engaged community — but not only that with the steem blockchain incentive them to keep going!

evidence based and immutable

Kinda rolls of the tongue right?

It’s funny how things come full circle right if you give them enough time to breathe, the future of working I believe will be some kind of evidence based immutable record, social contract on the web where you can see first hand that someone did what they say they did and when they did it, the paper CV is long since dead regardless of what you see in your current day to day, the end of the paper curriculum vitae is coming to a close.

I’ll be recording any progress as we step through, obviously we need to decided on the badges, style and what you get them awarded for but we want to start slow and build up into real world stuff, maybe tasks you can do (media related) that pay out steem, tokens and unlock maybe video quests, how cool would that be! :)

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoblemusic video can you spot me?


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