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RE: New Baby Chickens On the Homestead

Aww cute! We have some EE's too. We have a big barn yard mix of birds. Blue Orpingtons, Mottled Orpingtons, Crested Lebbar, Super Blue, EE's, and a mix of them all since we have a roo and they have hatched out 2 clutches of eggs so far. :) It's such a fun process watching them grow. Keep handling them often! That cuddly stage goes away if you don't continuously handle them often. Good luck!! Enjoy!!


These sweethearts get handled a LOT :)

How are your barnyard mixes? Ours are gonna be that way when we get up and running. Just one rooster for now, so they'll all be at least half cream legbar. I'm hoping they'll all be nice and quirky looking and well adapted.

Ours are perfect. They all get along real well. I've not had any issues with behavior, health, or any of that. But I've been raising chickens for a long time. We had turkeys, ducks, and geese too at one point but are down to just chickens now. :) We have one roo and 10 hens plus the 6 babies. I love when I cross my Orpington with my EE....They come out as a smaller Orpington with muffs of an EE. So cute. tehehe.