Fungi Friday - Macro Morels

This is the top of mnt. Morel. J/k this is the biggest of the half free morels I found against a white light backdrop. The backlighting accents it's strange cartilage texture. It almost looks like melted wax.
This is the smaller of the half free morels I found. I suspect some tiny elves would find this a suitable hut to live in. They just need to carve a door in the stem.
Here is a closeup of the brain-like texture of a blonde morel. I wonder if these mushrooms are sentient with brains like this.I decided to take some macros of the morels I found for this #fungifriday by @ewkaw and for the fungi lovers group by @qwerrie

Here's a group photo pile. As the morels age they tend to turn different colors from almost white to more of a tanish brown.
Here's another shot of the half-free morel, you can see the grainy texture of the brittle stem comapred to the waxy texture of the cap.
This blonde morel looked the most like a brain. I almost stepped on this one when I was out hunting but at the last possible moment my subconscious warned me of looking down where I was stepping and there it was.
This is another half free morel cap. This seems like something the xenomorphs from the movie aliens would create as a hive inside a spaceship. The queen would lay her eggs inside here lol.
Another piled up group shot.
Now for a bit of jackolantern feel. This was the tannest of the blonde morels against the led backlighting. This kind of gives me an idea for a nightlight, maybe shape some plastic in this brain texture and put a little light inside and place them around the house for an interior forest theme lol.

Happy #fungifriday


Such incredible outer structures!

It's crazy how much they resemble brain folds.

Yeah, I guess we are all connected from something very simple way back when life just popped out of nowhere!

The simulation recycling code.

oh wow....! and how do you feel when you end up eating all your top models after a photo session? 😊 😁

hahah They ended up in a nice gravy. Now I have to wait until next year to find more...

I asked you because I sometimes feel a bit guilty when eating my pastries to-models after the photo session ...😃

I'm usually too eager to cook them than to take pictures of them lol.

?! dont you think there could be more in this season, too?..

There might be it snowed a bit today, so if it thaws out again it might trick the mushrooms into coming out again if there is a rain timed just right. I might have to just harvest a few dryad's saddle and be looking for crown tipped coral next though.

good for you.
I bet, your morels macro folder now is not the lean one :=)

This year I have to try and take macros of all my finds before eating them lol.

morels turned our impressive! good lighting is the key.

Very impressive, I have never ever seen these mushrooms here in Greece.

I bet it's a bit too dry, They might be growing up in the mountains.