Yeah i had to break out my macro lens for the purple mushroom. Next step is finding enough for a meal.
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Yeah i had to break out my macro lens for the purple mushroom. Next step is finding enough for a meal.
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Good one well if the rain keeps up there should be more sprouting up good luck with that we are getting plenty sprouting up all around the country side of Thailand farms i have had some pretty good spicy mushroom soups lately made by the ladies 👍
I bet thailand has some really interesting fungi. I hear that they make fruit smoothies with cubensis in them in over there. Psychedelic fruit smoothies.
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Haha...this is true my first visit to Koh Phanaga island where they have the full moon parties is a mountain called the magic mushroom mountain where they make these mushroom smoothies we walked in there straight but came out the other end hallucinating what a night that was parting on the beach till next morning 👀 👍 👀 😜
Lol hopefully you knew what you were getting into. Go in thinking you're just getting smoothies go out learning the secrets of the universe.
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