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RE: Who said posting Flyers couldn't be fun..!!

in #funny8 years ago

YES man this is ythe same spirit of me and @monkimo at comic con holding the steemit sign! and also i ahave already placed some steemit flyers around San diego now i wil start placing them everywhere! And i will raise money to buy some sort of outdoor advertising like a billboard but not as expensive!

Yes yes youy will gain So many followers this way

people should go out and create flyers like this, spend their own money, make a post showing receipts and watch as steemit basically reimburses you for any costs associated with advertising for steemit, its a great system and steemit members are advertising or steemit on their own! isnt this just so cool how steemit members self market like its on autopilot?? iutrslikethe steemit creators didnt evenhaveto ay for a marketing or advertising budget! we did have some old video from last year but now we can make YOUTUBE ads for steemit on our own!

I am gonantry to make a post once i get all my current list of posts done, ill do one about raising money or a full fledged steemit youtube ad, ill let the community vote on how it should look and say and it will be paid for with money raised on steemit, ill pay for the adsense ad and have it playing as an ad on youtube and it will bring in thousands of new users in just one day alone!