Can things get much more ridiculous? But unfortunately, it turns quite dark in a hurry. Elmer Fudd has lost a loved one to the hands of hitman Bugs "The Bunny", who was employed by Bruce Wayne. Not sure whether to laugh or cry, but you can check out more details at:
Someone just sent me this description this morning in a text lol, it honestly seems like this book is going to be good. Yosemite Sam is doing a comic with Jonah Hex, check an exclusive Steemit interview with Sam here
I personally love the concepts behind these crossovers! In recent years, DC has too often been the company taking itself too seriously. For a while it seemed like all the writing and art across their universe was just grim and gritty. Marvel experimented a lot more with fun art styles and stories. When I see stuff like this out of DC I get enthusiastic for it.