Once in a soap industry, in Japan,
the soap cover was mistakenly packed without soap in it i.e an empty cover.
To avoid the problem in future, they purchased X-Ray machine of 60 thousand dollars to check in the assembly line that whether soap is packed in the cover or not in.
Same problem occurred in DELHI, INDIA.
What did they do????
They simply put a pedestal fan beside the assembly line. Empty boxes were flown away!!!
yes you have some valid point , but they can apoint some human worker or some container to store that empty packets 😃
@sbkstore dude where are you from ?
In Japan they simply couldn't fathom having the mess on the floor :-)
hahaha it may be the reason :P
A small but profound change in your perspective can do all the difference. Should we be asking ourselves the question who is allowing us to strive for excellence? Or should we rather become proactive and start taking what we want? If you choose the first option, you will always depend upon others and their approval. But with the mental attitude of “Who’s going to stop me,” you free yourself from the dependency on others.