Nearly too late for the Weekend!

in #funny7 years ago

Chris and I have been down at Plettenburg Bay for the last Week! ( first Holiday in about 12 years)

The Rain back Home for this week was not caused by Me! ( hopefully)

There are 2 William Nicol Streets in our vicinity!

This one would practically work for either of them!


Different Traps for Different Creatures!( some work Quicker than Others!)


Know just how they felt?


Different Look ,for Different Generations!


Timing is Everything!


Makes Perfect Sense!


All Pictures sent to me on WhatsApp by Family and Friends. not my property.

Hope you will find them as amusing as I did?

There are 2 pages

Deb and I need a holiday too - it's been about 12 yrs. since we went to Florida, but with all the shootings I should be packing heat. Usually I just spit at thugs - they don't like it when i raise my voice, lol

Hahaha... i laugh a lot after read all the photos. Thanks for sharing.

great funny post again, thanks, was thinking of going fishing last Wednesday, luckily we didn't go, what a fiasco that could have been.

Yes , you could have caught them in the street outside!

generally all i like and specially the generation gap!

You made very funny pics , keep posting

lol the hair styles was pretty good!

A funny post, everything is so picked up one is funnier than another. Thank you laughed :))


hahahaha nice man i want to ready pick these cute cats

They really are!

Haha, great funny pictures and I laughed without stopping, especially liked about the generation. Thank you @awgbibb

Ha ha ha ha ha ha
i don't know about this funny human brain working Style

Very funny

hahahaha its genration or DNA gap between both tuys i dont think he is his son awgbibb

Ha ha funny sense of humor lol :D
You made fun via various looks images and discussion memes.

woow so cool and funny photo and meme of pretty cats to see this smal cat it force me to hug it

Amazing funny .great video
For your post propagation.

great funny post my dear @awgbibb. how are you dear i very miss you

keep it up dear

Well son and dad was too funny

He he really funny post.
Actually father and son hair cut awesome funny.

hahahaahaha more funny and enjoyable memes and posts i really enjoy all photos and also your all sharing man



Interesting and charming images and posts I truly appreciate all photographs and furthermore your everything sharing @awgbibb

All the pics you have shared are all funny ....enough to get smile on the face ...
I hope you have great friends on whatsapp you do share alot of things ....
Thanks for sharing stuff atleast some people are making something funny.....



Hi dear @awgbibb I regularly visit your profile everyday. I need your attention towards my posts. Please visit my profile and support me. Thanks in advance

i like your all crazy posts which you share with us always and feel me some good and hope you will always share with us more crazy in next


Haha , trying to fill the gap

Very interesting post @awgbibb. Thanks for sharing.

amazing post my steem friend.@awgbibb


So funny me dear 💭👏👏👏👏👍🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💰💰💰💰💵💵💵💵

Glad you got to go on a holiday! I've also only been watching the rain drenched area through social media....quite hectic

this is really full of fun because you have mixed many things in just a post which is amazing,
you are an expert in mixing different things,
and would you like to see my twin, kindly must visit to see my twin brother...

So funny! you have a wonderful sense of humor to make laugh everybody

Hahahah very funny post
Keep posting and thanks for this

Very funny indeed..

really enjoyed it
Cheers! Thanks @awgbibb for the entertaining stuff

hahah you always make weekend the best day :)

You shared the best funny stuff today awesome it was

all these are so funny, i enjoyed.

hahahah the dad and the son combo was so cool

hahah the last one is so epic true lol

ha ha ha very funny post man. thanks for @awgbibb

supper funny post my dear

you just made me laugh so hard today hahahah

that's the best way to end the weekend yesterday it was great

hahahha i had a good time seeing this thanks for sharing this

omg i am laughing so much hahah big thanks to you :)

A collection of funny meme. Nice & excellent fun post~

That looks awesome!!!

This is a very funny post. Thank you so much for share.

Haha I love that William Nicol meme XD

There are 2 pages